This song came out when I was 13 and in junior high school.....7th grade! I loved it then and still do.
I'm participating in this weekly meme today because I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song.
Saturday 9: Photograph (1973)
1) In this song, Ringo stumbles upon a photograph that reminds him of a lost love. Are there any photos displayed in the room you're in right now?
I'm in the dining room and it contains a still life by Norman Rockwell (he only painted 2...we own the one titled "Spring Flowers"), a large painting by him titled "Saying Grace"; a black and white drawing by our oldest daughter when she was 15 and won a spot in a downtown art gallery for the drawing (women throughout the ages depicting the various dress genres) and a painting of autumn leaves. The only thing on the walls that I took with my iphone camera are 2 8x8 photos of a mountain summit I climbed to, and the lake where we sometimes rent a cottage. I also took a photo of the tallest firetower in the ADK (Wakely Mt) and had it turned into a long canvas.
2) While there are approximately 180 published songs credited to Lennon-McCartney, this is the only song written by Harrison-Starr. When you think of Ringo's old band, the Beatles, what's the first song that comes to mind?
Yesterday. (And Imagine but that was from Lennon's solo album)
3) George and Ringo wrote this song while on a yacht in the South of France. They, and their wives, had just attended Mick Jagger's wedding to Bianca in Saint Tropez and decided to take a little holiday together. What are your vacation plans for 2025?
6 days in New Mexico in May with hubby; a week in Portland, Maine in June with hubby to celebrate our anniversary; 3 days in the northern/St Lawrence Seaway area in August with my oldest daughter. That's all we have planned so far.
4) At 5'8, Ringo was the shortest Beatle and the only one with blue eyes. How tall are you? What's your eye color? I'm 5'4" and my eyes are green-grey-dark hazel.
5) Ringo gave his first wife, Maureen, a one-of-a-kind birthday gift. Frank Sinatra recorded "The Lady Is a Tramp" with special lyrics, written just for her. Do you have anything that's personalized? (It could be a monogram on a scarf, it doesn't have to be as cool as a gift from Frank Sinatra.) I've had several monogrammed items over the years. I have a necklace with my first name; a monogrammed make up bag, large tote bag; large beach bag/cooler. I also had a wooden desk sign with my first name engraved on it when I was teaching in the 1980s-1990s. Not sure what happened to it.
6) Ringo appeared as Mr. Conductor on Thomas the Tank Engine. He recorded the narration for the entire first season in just a week. Tell us what you did last week.
I had meeting with the volunteer organization HomeBound; a chiropractor appointment, a trip to the library, brunch with my older friend Nancy, choir rehearsal, a small group/book group meeting; class on Wed morning, and a game night date with husband and a friend and we attended a musical. When I wasn't out and about with these activities, I did the weekly food shopping, got my car washed, sanded some more of the deck, did laundry, general upkeep of the home and made a batch of Chocoholic brownies to bring to game night. I also did some reading and had a phone call with my daughter.
7) As a boy in Liverpool, Ringo loved watching American westerns. Do you like cowboy movies/shows? not really but my dad loved them and so I remember watching a couple of John Wayne ones with him when I was around 14.
8) In 1973, when this song was a hit, former President Lyndon Johnson died. Who was President when you were a kid? JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Carter (Ages 17-20). I went to college in fall of 1978 and voted for Reagan. Yes, I used to be Republican way back in my early 20s.
9) Random question: When you woke up this morning, did you know the day and date (before looking at your phone)?
Yup. It helps that I have to lead a hike for beginner hikers...and assess their ability, later this morning so the date has been imprinted on my brain for the last month.
ENJOY your Saturday! I'm off to lead a hike and am wearing winter hiking gear because it's COLD here!! This is Spring in the Northeast!! 😄
I love that you knew "Imagine" is not a Beatles song! NIcely done.
we are all about the beatles in our home! even my young millennial daughter and my gen z daughter love them!!
I started college in the fall of 1978 too. My first presidential election was 1980. Although I was (and still am) a Democrat I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Carter, and I wouldn’t vote for Reagan. Remember third party candidate John Anderson? He spoke on my campus dur8ng his presidential campaign. I voted for him.
I hope you enjoy your hike! I wasn't old enough to vote in the 1980 presidential election. My first one was in 1984.
Hi Faith! I also voted for Reagan the first time I voted, in 1980. I hope your hike went well. See you again soon!
I honestly just voted the way my parents did in 1980. hahah I was SO not into politics. After college I was an "Independant". I don't remember being old enough to vote for Carter.....did he run again against Reagan? I thought he was good looking back fave in my lifetime has been Obama. And the Bush family have class and did some good things although I didn't agree with everything. Then I aligned with the Democrat party and now I'm back to being an Independant. I fear for our nation right now, economically speaking among other things I won't get into on here.
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