I'm waiting for my turn in the shower and thought I'd work on these because I like the way the Sunday Stealin' meme is presented this week! It's fun to get to know other bloggers.
"Welcome to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves! "
To join in, head on over to this blog site
FIVE people who mean the world to you.
1. Dave (my husband)
2. Courtney (oldest daughter)
3 Claire (youngest daughter)
4. My pastor, Dr Rex Keener
5. my long time friend Cheryl
FOUR things you fear. this is hard for me cause I don't really live in fear!
1. where the nation is headed/the economy especially
2. timber rattlers
3 the condition of ...lack of caring for....our Earth that God created
4. how our nation is viewed globally, currently
THREE words to describe how you feel right now.
1. calm
2. energized (had good night's sleep)
3. thankful
TWO things you're excited about.
1. Easter
2. our trip to New Mexico
ONE thing you'd like to say to someone.
1. "stay strong" ( regarding a situation a loved one is going through)
Blast off!
Great thoughts...although I will say, I could careless on what the global world thinks about the USA. But you probably already knew I was going to say that, lol. Have a beautiful day.
I, too, worry about the economy and our geopolitical situation. I smile when my financial advisor refers to himself as a "wealth manager" because I am not a wealthy woman. I'm in my mid-60s, I worked hard for what I have, and I worry that the egocentric billionaires now running Washington have no consideration for people like me. But there's always something to be happy about and look forward to, isn't there? New Mexico is beautiful!
My personal economy has gone downhill in the past 7 weeks, and it was totally avoidable, if not for... well, you know...
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