We are into the third month of the calendar year and I thought I'd check to see how I'm doing on my goals I set for myself this year.
- Continue to do "brisk walking/power walking" workouts daily after stretching/yoga/fitness ball routine: this is ongoing although the month of February had some brutally cold days so I did indoor workkout videos instead of walking outdoors.
- Visit some relatives I haven't seen in awhile: my Uncle Cliff, my cousin Kenny, my cousin Trisha: at the end of January, I met my cousin Trisha for lunch at a fave coffee cafe and I visited my uncle Cliff at the end of February. I haven't been able to get up to the mountains to visit my cousin Kenny but I'm hoping to get up there in April when there is less snow up there. This goal is almost met!
- Have monthly coffee/dinner/lunch dates with my 2 daughters: in January, we had our oldest daughter over for dinner twice and in February she and I had a dinner and movie night; Our youngest daughter and I had coffee together once in February at her apartment and she came over twice this winter. She is very busy but we plan on having a Family Dinner on Sunday 23 March that I'm really looking forward to. This goal is on going.
- Continue to have "date night" with my husband: Dave and I had four "in home" date nights in January; we had 3 in February and so far in March, we have had one date night out to our fave Italian restaurant. this goal is on going throughout the year.
- Practice piano at least twice a week for 30 min. (my classical, baroque, or romantic era music): In January I only had practiced about once a week for 15-20 minutes. In February, I sat down daily at the piano and practiced a classical piece for 20 minutes each day; now that we're into March, I've been sitting down almost every day to practice for 20-30 minutes on choir music as well as 3 Bartok pieces and a Beethoven piece. I will continue to keep active at this throughout the year.
- No cocktails or wine the month of January! Cutting back on foods with added sugar. Eat more fruit and no baked goods. I've done well with this! We stopped having baked goods in the house until Valentine's day when I made Chocolate Shortbread Cookies and gave away half to our daughters. then I made chocolate pudding cookies the next week to serve for a date night and some are still in the freezer. I had no alcoholic beverages the entire month of January into February and then the 2nd week of February, my neighbor and I went out to dinner and I had one glass of wine. I have fruit at breakfast, again in the afternoons (usually a mandarin orange or an apple) and for dinner 2-3 x a week (usually a mix of kiwi, melon, berries, and pomegranate). This goal is met!
- Have one game night for friends/other couples once this winter: we have not met this goal. Now I'm shooting for sometime in April
- SPRING FLING: plan and host a "Spring Fling" with our couple friends, both young and old, here on our deck/backyard with a bonfire going all afternoon. We are playing this for the end of May when we are home from NM. I need to sand and re-paint the deck first!! And Dave isnt going to help because he still works full time.
- Paint the entire deck before June! I have this on the "to do" list for April. It's going to take me 3-4 days but I'm determined to be done before we leave for NM.
- Hike one new to me High Peaks trail by end of Summer: this is in the planning stages.
- Continue my focused study/meditate on Psalm 119. Try to be done by the end of June: I've put this aside for now to concentrate on a Lent Devotional. I've read the first 25 verses of Psalm 119 and have done some meditative journaling on those.
- Begin a small group study with Priscilla Shirer's book He Speaks to Me and be done hosting this by the middle of June: This began the 3rd week of January with 6 other women. We will actually be done with this study in mid-April!
- Attend all choir rehearsals at church January-June: We have choir rehearsals every other Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm. I have not missed a rehearsal yet. Beginning 3/23, we will have rehearsals every week until Easter. then we will be back to every other week.
- Continue the SoulSteps Walking Group once a month for Friday/Saturday groups beginning in Feb-June: due to horrible winter weather this year, I couldn't begin my Walking Groups until March. I have had the Saturday walking group and the Friday walking groups once already. This will continue until June. This year, I have 4 new members!!
- Continue to Volunteer with HomeBound and visit at least 2 clients per month: In January, I had only 2 client visits due to one facility being closed to visitors due to covid and flu outbreaks. In February I had 2 client visits scheduled but one got cancelled. I sent out 3 cards to clients in January and February and have just sent one out to a cancer client this past week. I'm continuing to volunteer with HomeBound until July at which time I will decide if I'm going to continue with this group or volunteer elsewhere in the community.
Overall, I'm pleased with the progress of my goals.
How about you? Did you set any goals for yourself this year? If yes, how are you doing with them.
1 comment:
Do you know, I think it was in December I shared something alcoholic with my husband. Your goals are pretty cool, Faith. Have a great week, smiles.
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