"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

25 November 2007

Bibles for Soldiers

You can send a FREE Bible to a soldier on U.S. active duty for Christmas. It is simple!
Go to my sidebar and click on the link under Gifts that Give Hope: Bibles for Soldiers.
There is no cost to you! This is a great cause and sponsored by the International Bible Society. They have been providing Bibles to soldiers since the war of 1812! So...give the gift of Hope today!


Lill said...

What a great gift....I will do that Faith, thanks


Susanne said...

This is so cool, Faith. I linked to it today. And I tagged you today by the way. Come pick up the meme if you'd like to play.

Faith said...

Hi Lil: thanks for doing that!

Hi Susanne: you are the first person to officially tag me.....!