"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

05 November 2007

Psalm 23 in School

Ok. Now I know many of you have heard horror stories of children and teens being in public schools and not being able to share their faith, their Christian beliefs or read Scripture in class. Well, my oldest (freshman in high school) came home last Thursday and said she read Psalm 23 outloud in Honors English. HUH??? they are currently analyzing and reading a short story by Stephen King. In the story he references Psalm 23. To Courtney's knowledge there are at least 2 other born-again Christians in her class besides her. One is her good friend from our neighborhood, a Chinese Christian. The teacher, Mr. B-----, encouraged the teens to go home and look up the Scripture in their Bible if they had one. The next day (Thursday) he asked the class if anyone had done this (it was not a requirement for class, just an option). Courtney said she was the only one who raised her hand. He had her read the entire psalm outloud to the class as they discussed the phrase about "the valley of the shadow of death". Of course her father and I knew nothing about this until AFTER the fact while we were all discussing our day at the dinner table. I asked her why she didn't tell us. She said it was "no big deal, Mom". My husband and I glanced at each other, knowing each other was most likely thinking "whew...we are relieved that our 14 year old thinks it is no big deal to look up Scripture for English, in a public school". Praise the Lord that she was brave enough to tell the teacher she did it. It is hard to be a Christian teen in school in this culture/society. Am I bragging? you betcha! Way to go, Courtney! (and what a great teacher. I have met him....I don't know if he is a Christian or not...but....hey...he gets an A+ in my book!) Now.....I wonder what he has in store for the class when they begin reading Oedipus Rex come winter!


Susanne said...

Good for your girl! And how wonderful that she has a teacher willing to do that!

Joyce said...

Way to go. It takes a child to get the word out to her peers. I know it is hard for Christian young people to make it in most all high schools. I have to grown daughters that were able to read in Honors English some Bible also.

Faith said...

HI Susanne: yes, we are proud of her and thankful for a good teacher!

Joyce: thanks for visiting. I checked out your blog and love it! I will be back to visit when I have some more time! God bless you....good to hear about your daughters too!