"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 December 2007

"Merry Christmas"

The phrase "merry Christmas" is supposedly disappearing from people's vocabulary this time of year, this year, according to what I am reading on blogs, in newspapers, opinion articles, etc. But...I have to say...I have been hearing it all week and guess where I have been hearing it the most?
Our local public schools. Yup, that's right! Beginning at the elementary school where I work (in our district): the coach was standing outside doing bus duty on Tuesday and singing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" very loud and lustily! He also said he was going to wish every phys ed class a "Merry Christmas" (seeing as how probably 90% of the student body celebrates Christmas, this would not be a problem). He did make a joke that it might not be "politically correct" but he didn't care...he said he was gonna say it because it is what he celebrates!
Then, yesterday at a store which I shall not name, (it wasn't wal-mart...I don't do business with them) the cashier told me to "have a merry Christmas". That did warm my heart....
Then, the best yet: last night at our high school, the Orchestra (which our oldest daughter, Courtney, is in, playing 2nd violin), the Symphonic Band White (we have 2 bands, each named for a school color, Blue/White), the Wind Ensemble (a band of "better" students), and the Sh----Select (a small vocal group which only upper classmen who are serious about voice and who audition, can join) performed our "Winter Holiday Concert". The orchestra opened the program with the overture to "Messiah" by Handel. It was superb! The Sh----Select sang "O Come O Come, Emmanuel" and the very last director (the band director) wished everyone a "Very Merry Christmas!" YES: a suburban public high school! YEAH!
And at Claire's class party today, the teacher wished everyone a very Merry Christmas. (there is a child in class who also celebrates Hannukah, and 2 girls who celebrate Dwali which usually occurs sometime between Thanksgiving and New Years, but I don't know much about it other than what it stands for).
So, the phrase "Merry Christmas" is going strong here in our local community and it makes my heart glad!


Susannah said...

Wonderful stories! A very merry
CHRISTtmas to you too, Faith.

Blessings, e-Mom

Connie Marie said...

Awesome and may God bless your community! Merry Christmas Faith.

Anonymous said...

Christmas developed a new meaning over the years to refer to capitalism rather than religion. When you're saying "Merry Christmas," you're merely talking about presents, trees, candy and other things along those lines. I wish people a merry Christmas in hopes that they also do the same. I wonder how the coach would react if a Muslim student were to shout loudly reading from the Karan, that student would most likely be disciplined. If there is going to be freedom of religion in our public schools it should be for all religions not just one.

Amy said...

That is so nice to read! My girlfriend at church was telling me on Wednesday that the elementary Christmas program can no longer say Merry Christmas. One song they sang was-We Wish You A Happy Holiday. Just makes your heart sink, doesn't it? When my kids went to this same school the principal was a christian. No activities were ever planned on Wednesday nights and even the teachers were allowed to talk about Christ if the kids did!

I do wish you and yours a very Merry CHRISTmas!

Lill said...

Blessed CHRISTmas to you!