"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."
Shopping Spree!
Last week, in the mail, we received a plastic "stuff sack" from Old Navy with the message that if we used it to shop, whatever we could stuff inside the bag would get 20% off! To my 14 yr. old daughter that is a huge deal....she loves to shop!! (remember: "gifts" is her love language!) Since both my daughters needed new shorts, shirts and capris for late spring/summer, we decided that one of our spring break days would be spent at Old Navy! We got some awesome deals. Here are some pics of what we bought....everything was 20% off.
This outfit was put together by my 9 yr old (Claire). The shorts are "bermuda" length with a sweatshirt feel and a drawstring; the shirt is the "retro" polo shirts that are so trendy right now. (it even has a peter pan style collar, which in years past she would never wear...but hey...it is "cool" now to wear these shirts so....!). I like the fact that they look a bit feminine, are modest yet trendy!
Claire says she likes this outfit better, but since she was given pretty much free rein to choose her own clothes yesterday (with some boundaries and guidance!) I am reminding her that everything in her closet was chosen by her!! (meaning, I don't wanna hear any complaints!!) These cute denim shorts are all the rage this summer as well. They look cute when paired with a pretty, stylish Tee-shirt like the one pictured above or with bright-colored tank tops. They also work well with hiking trips on hot days; they are adorable with scrunched down socks and hiking boots. And denim works well with sand....so, I am sure she will choose these for a beach trip over her swimsuit as well! And.....
Here is the swim suit I let her choose. I like it because it is a modest 2-piece. (Tankini is the name of the style). She is not allowed to have a bikini yet and even my 14 yr old is not allowed to have a "string bikini" (I do allow bikini's...they just have to meet my approval, meaning fairly modest!). Again, tankini's are very trendy so this is a good choice for a preteen. The top has a racer back style which is fantastic for Claire as she is constantly in the lakes/pools and it's a good choice for boating. The straps simply don't slip down! The bottoms are hipsters which meet my guidelines and the flip flops are simply adorble...notice how they match!
This is one of my favorite outfits. The white shorts are bermuda ones with a soft, cotton feel. The shirt is one of those trendy cap-sleeved V-necks which are so popular. They price was great! I got it for less than $10.00 (at places like LimitedToo they want at least $21. for these kinds of shirts!) The shorts are very versatile. My daughter can wear dressier "baby-doll" style (a.k.a. "swing tops") with them or tank tops. They look great with a pair of flats, flip flops or sneakers. They are even dressy enough for Sunday School when paired with her new, very trendy gold ballet flats! The only place I won't let her wear them would be on a hiking trip....only because they are white!!
Now...on to the stuff my teen daughter (Courtney) chose: she didn't choose as many things as she didn't need as much; also she needs some capris for school but Old Navy didn't have any she really liked...she and I will just have to go to the mall sometime later this week!
She headed straight for the flip-flops! At Old Navy you can get flip flops at the 2 for $5.00 price...always! Some of the fancier ones (with sparkles, certain patterns are $3.50 each). This is still a good deal. I told the girls to choose the 2 for $5. A girl can never have enough flip-flops, right? Again, trendy, practical for just bumming around in. My rule is that we don't wear them hiking (DUH!...but believe it or not, we have been on mountain trails where we run into teens with flip flops...Dear Lord, I pray hard when I see that!!) Since Courtney owns like just about every color, she chose some new pink ones to replace her old ones and a light pink with a pattern.
She also needed some new pj's (what ever happened to teens just wearing big, baggy Tee shirts to bed???!). Anyways, she is really into the lounge pants as seen here; she also decided to opt for the sleeping tank top vs. the tee-shirt style. I liked that Old Navy had options for sleepware. You can mix and match their pj's in the women's dept. And since she loves pink, she is one happy gal!
And of course, what teen closet is not complete for summer with out at least 3 pairs of short shorts?? She reminded me that she has plenty of the longer shorts leftover from the missions trip last summer. A couple of them we passed down to a neighbor friend, but I like the girls to have at least 6-7 pairs of shorts in their closet as we take hiking and camping trips frequently...it helps to cut down on laundry too! These shorts are adorable, aren't they?She chose 2 pairs of denim: one in the sand-blasted look and one in the dark denim look. The pair in the middle is a brown twill that will look nice with her dressier tanks or Tee shirts. She also has some cute wedge sandels that will go great with any of these shorts. The only place she is not allowed to wear them is to church or youth group.So...that was our shopping spree yesterday.Today we are headed for the southern Adirondacks; we will pick up my sister Hope, have some lunch at one of our favorite little restaurants up there, and do an easy, first hike, followed by some browsing in antique shops.
I hope you have a blessed day in the Lord whatever you do!
1 comment:
Good Morning Faith
WOW!!! That's great! You found some AWESOME deals. I bet Claire smiled all the way to the car carrying her goodies!
Thanks for the fashion show. I really enjoyed it.
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