"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

28 May 2008

We're back! And back to our daily routine of school/work/teaching/housework/church events/ballet rehearsals & class/working out.....in other words: our daily life.

See the post below to read about how the Lord totally blessed me this past Sunday evening!

And come back soon to see more pics of our mini-vacation to NYC/NJ!

(this is Courtney, Claire, and Dave on the Ferry from NJ to Ellis Island....for those of you not familiar with NYS/'NYC, that is the skyline in background of lower Manhatten!)


Tonya said...

What a COOL trip! We live in the DEEP SOUTH and haven't ventured off far from home. Well, with the exception of Burlington, VT when Brent was sick. The flight up was BEYOND AMAZING! I'd love to visit NY one day.. NJ too! (I've met a GREAT friend online who lives there)

I'm happy to hear you've made it home safely and are getting back into your routines. (That's always the hard part for me... LOL!)

Have a GREAT weekend!

Connie Marie said...

Oh my goodness look at that HUGE city!

Jennifer said...

I'm glad you are back..I missed ya!! I thought about you while you were vacationing and I prayed for your safety.

Anonymous said...

I love this pic especially Courtney's shades. Can't wait till you post the rest!
