"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

28 August 2010

Walking the Path

An Adirondack Mountain Trail

Do you see the trail in the above picture?  Does it look easy to you?  Can you tell if the path stays easy?

It's rather difficult to know if it stays easy......we, as the viewer, have no idea where this trail leads.  It could be a deep woods trail, meaning the end is miles away or joined by another trail, or it could be a straight shot up a mountain to a gorgeous summit.  I have hiked both kinds of trails and love both kinds.  The mountain summit ones are often "easier" simply because you know your destination and you know once up, you come back down the same way, unless there is a designated loop.  A "deep woods" trail though can sometimes just meander all around miles of forest.....sometimes ending at a secluded lake, a lean-to, or ending in just a tangle of brush or a maze of other trails.  Unless you have a clear guidebook for hiking that particular section of the Adirondacks, you can actually get lost.

When we, as a family, go on a hike in the mountains, or the deep woods, we usually stick to one that is found in hiking books, has trail markers, and a destination.  However, sometimes, the trails end up being a bit different from what the book describes.  Sometimes this is due to re-routing based on winter weather conditions.  For example, if a winter up north has been extremely rough with storms, there is often what we call "blow-down".  This is simply trees or large branches that block the trail making it impossible to stay on the exact trail.  Sometimes the forest rangers and volunteers re-route the trail. More often, especially in these hard economic times, the hikers have to just "get off the trail" for a few minutes and attempt to find their way around the "blow-down".

What does all this have to do with what I have been meditating on?

Well, first let me share a couple of Scriptures that the Lord has had me "chewing" on this past week or so.

This one was my very favorite verse as an older teen and college student.  It is very familiar to most Christians and this is often one of the first verses memorized:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." 
 Proverbs 3: 5&6
And this:  "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."  Proverbs 16: 9=
I have been trying to instill these principles in my oldest daughter.  She faces a very busy, extremely academically-challenging/ rigorous senior year.  This was her choice.  However, along with this rigorous last year of high school, come college applications and working on essays.  One Christian college demands THREE essays plus an art portfolio on CD as well as hard copies plus 4 art "assignments" to complete as part of the Graphics Design application. This means she faces LOTS of work.  She is applying to 2 Christian colleges plus a secular college.  The secular one is the only one that doesn't require the essays.  2 of the essays she has to write involve her own spiritual development and the reason WHY she wants to study Graphic Design at an Evangelical Christian college.  This will take much work on her part because essay writing is not her passion at all!

She knows the steps the Lord wants her to take.  She knows in her heart she wants a certain college.  I have told her to pray about it.  My husband and I are praying for her of course.  But she needs to follow the path the Lord is leading her on.  We can't do the work for her.  This is a path she needs to walk.  We will walk beside her and pray/guide/help edit/proof-read, etc.  But...she needs to be the one to step out on to that path.
And in so doing......this precious first-born daughter of mine must learn to follow her Savior's Voice.
She needs to learn about following God's will for her life.  I know she will learn this if she stays close to Christ.  I know there will be twists and turns along the way.
I know that, just like hiking, she might come to a path that seems to lead away from the main trail of her walk.  She will need to make decisions.....how we are hoping, praying and expecting that she makes those decisions based on what God is telling her to do!  

And as her mom, I need to also hear from the Lord for her.  She is still under my care.  I still have a responsibility for her.  This doesn't mean I am to be the one to fill out the paperwork, submit the online stuff, etc. etc.  Believe it or not, I know moms, some are Christians, who do everything for their children.  This is NOT teaching them to hear from God, to follow what He is telling them to do, nor is it teaching them basic responsibilities.  Yes....I firmly believe in guiding my child.  Yes, I will encourage her, set a time line, make sure she has the materials for the portfolio, etc.  But...she is the one who needs to step out, take that walk on the path that God is directing her on (which in this case is college after high school)and learn to navigate around any "blow-down".  

There will be obstacles.  The enemy does not want our Christian children to succeed.  If she chooses the secular college, she will need to seek out Christian friends, deal with co-ed dorms, find a Christian -based campus club, etc.  I no longer worry about her future because I know deep in my heart what her own desires are and so far I think this is where the Lord is leading her.  I believe she has used wisdom in choosing a major.  I am trusting Him to lead her and if He has something different for her in the future, then I am praying she obeys that Voice and takes that path.  

Having a senior has opened my eyes to many things.  I plan on blogging about life as a parent more often this year......Dave and I are on a new path with our 17 year old.  We are proud of her, we stand by her decisions, and we pray for her as she learns to follow that path that the Lord is leading her on.

and if "blow-down" occurs along the way.....we will seek the Lord and find the trail around it!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

I totally agree with you Faith. Sometimes it's the hardest thing in the world not to do it for them or not to "fix" it for them and to have the patience to just be there for them and guide them through, or around, obstacles. But our goal as parents should always be our children knowing how to seek God for themselves. Easy to say, sometimes hard to do. :v)