"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 September 2010

September Fave Five #2

Well, another Friday has rolled around and so much activity was jammed packed into my week since the last Friday Fave Five.
As always, this is graciously hosted by the lovely Susanne and is a time to reflect back on the 5 moments/things in our week that were special/blessings from our Lord!  Mine will be full of pictures.......just click on the picture to see it up close!

The T----family beach house
Cape Cod
September 2010
photo by Claire R T 

Faith walking the beach looking for sea glass
photo taken by Claire R T 9/10

Kayaking with MaryJo and mom-in-law
Buzzards Bay, MA
September 2010
  • ONE LAST LONG WEEKEND ON CAPE COD with some very special people!  MaryJo is truly one of my favorite relatives. She is married to my father in law's cousin but she is closer to my age.....we get along so well....we kayaked, talked, ate, and just relaxed on the deck.....she is a solid Christian woman (we did a LOT of talking about what God is doing in our lives...she is the only T family member besides her hubby who is born again to our knowledge) and I have learned alot from her gentle and fun spirit.  She is one of my very dear friends besides being a relative!  I also enjoyed walks on the beach with my youngest daughter, collecting sea glass.  We played board games well into the nights and ate lots of great food!  
Claire, age 11
on first day of 6th grade
  • THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!  YES...this is always a favorite of mine. I like the start of the new year.  I like making new goals, preparing for a new season (autumn is my absolute fave!) and I love watching the growth in my 2 daughters.  My youngest, pictured here, is in her last year of elementary school and my oldest is in her last year of high school! And seeing my students from  last year....one little guy I worked with, (one of our "special kids"), ran right over in the morning bus time to give me a huge hug....I love these kids!!  I will miss 3 of our former students....they were with us for 2-3 years and we really became attached to them.  A bittersweet day.....
Courtney, age 17
first day of senior year!
  • HANDING OVER MY CAR KEYS TO MY OLDEST GIRL! This is a favorite because I get tired on school nites and she has Youth Group every Wednesday evening.  So....now that she has her license, she can drive her self to the youth center. Our church is only about 2 miles away and it is an easy drive. She did very well....it was her first time alone with the car and I was a bit nervous....but....she did well. Now I just need to remind her to make it home by her curfew!!  Another bittersweet moment....

    • NEW LIVING ROOM LAMPS!  The lamp you see pictured above came without the shade.  I saw the black lamp first, and really liked it.  So I bought 2 to replace 2 old ceramic ones we've had for years.  In fact, one of the ceramic ones was a small bedroom lamp I used in college! ( I ended up keeping it but I tossed out the other one....it had a crack).  So....once I saw these 2 black metal-like lamps, I decided to buy the lampshades.  They are a sage green although the color here on my computer doesn't really look like sage.  They match the rocking chair cushion in my living room, as well as some of the green in a flower border I have at the top of the wall.   The one pictured above is on our little Mission bookshelf and the other, identical lamp, is on the small bookshelf on the other side of the living room (my reading corner).  It seems nice to have some new accessories!

    • FRESH LOCAL FRUIT! I bought the black grapes on sale and the apples are the first Cortlands of the season.  Both are grown right here in the capital region and I was able to purchase them at a local grocers rather than driving out to the country to get them.  My children like the grapes as an after school snack and I pack them in my hubby's lunchbox.  The apples will get sliced for Courtney and I to dip into Nutella and I will make the first batch of Apple Crisp or Swedish Apple Pie tomorrow morning!  I will also add chopped apples to chicken salad, tuna salad, or just chop and put into a "trail mix" for a work snack!  
    Those are my fave fives for the week.
    Please feel free to join in and link up over at Susanne's. Just click on her name in the opening paragraph and it will take you to her post.

    Leave me a comment about what YOU experienced as a favorite this week!!

    Coming soon:  a book review on the study book "DEEPER" and Marriage Monday......enjoy the start of the weekend!


    mariel said...

    love your blog...found you through Kimberly. i,too, love the start of school. i homeschool my boys and it is a blessing to start a new year fresh. i am a summer girl at heart, but who can deny the joy of a crisp autumn morning?!

    blessings, mariel

    Islandsparrow said...

    Cape Cod is so beautiful! A perfect way to celebrate the last weeks of summer!

    Hope your girls are enjoying their first week of school!

    happy weekend!

    Cindy said...

    Lucky to have someone to drive so the running is cut by 1/2.

    Some day I plan to venture to Cape Cod.

    I hope the first week back was good for all.

    ellen b said...

    Cape Cod really looks fabulous! I so love first day of school photos! I remember giving those keys to our young drivers Yikes! I enjoyed your faves. Have a great weekend.

    Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

    LOVE those living room lamps. Your daughter is a year behind my son, the college freshman. Enjoy this year!

    I know what you mean about those close friend/relative types -- a real blessing.

    Have a great week ahead.

    Susanne said...

    The beach house is just beautiful. What a blessing to be able to go there and spend some time with family.

    This is a special year for both of your girls. Milestones for both of them.

    Love the shape & color of your lamp shades. That would go nicely in my living room too. :v)

    Karyn said...

    The long weekend sounds wonderful! You certainly have a beautiful place to stay.

    Good friends who are also relatives are the best!

    Congratulations on having another driver in the house! I remember when I no longer had to take my teens to youth group....what a relief. (except for worrying about their safety....but.....that's where putting them in God's hands comes in, right?)