"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

14 July 2011

July Fave Fives #3

Friday!!  Time for us to find 5 favorite things that God blessed us with this past week.......thank you to Susanne for hosting this and giving us opportunity to thank the Lord!

  • GRADUATION PARTY!  We had Courtney's Graduation Open House Party last Saturday afternoon.  Beautiful day, good food, fun and fellowship with family, friends (old and new) and neighbors.  She was blessed and it was a great way to say "good bye" to some awesome high school friends.....

Courtney's good friends from youth group and school
c. F E MT Pics 7/9/11

  • GAME NIGHT!  Claire had a friend over to visit one evening after dinner....it was super humid outside so we stayed in the AC and after our family devotional time (we are going through a book, once a week, entitled You're Next that the youth groups will be going through) they played a game of Scattegories....they even invited Courtney and I to play with them...we had so much fun.....I do enjoy seeing tweens having fun and there was lots of laughter that evening!
Claire, friend Marissa, and Courtney playing Scattegories
c. F E MT Pics 7/11
  • MOM-DAUGHTER DATE NITE!  Claire, my 12 yr old, has a free pass for one adult and her self for any classical event/concert at this place from now until the summer of 2017.  The seating is for the lawn.....and on Wednesday, since it was such a beautiful day (the hot & humid weather was gone from the night before), we decided to go to the ballet that evening.  The ballet was "Jewels" (google it!) and was actually 3 different ballets:  Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds.  The show lasted 2 1/2 hours and by the time dusk turned to darkness we were wrapped in our quilts, on our beach chairs, enjoying one of the best ballet companies in the world dancing to some of the greatest music ever written.  A truly special night...and my ballerina kept her eyes glued to the stage...always a fave with me!

at the NYC Ballet!
13 July 2011
  • PERFECT SUMMER DAYS!  We've had a great stretch of perfect summer weather....blue sky, wispy white clouds, glorious sun, and time to sit out, read, swim with friends........perfect.....

  • FRESH PLUMS & NECTARINES!  yummy.....one of the grocery stores I like to shop at had fresh plum and nectarines on sale this week...I bought a lb of each and we have been enjoying fresh fruit for breakfast, lunch and snacks......they make a great snack to stick in a beach bag when going to our friend's house to swim......and they are good for ya too!

We also celebrated Courtney's 18th birthday this week.....it was low key due to the amount of energy, time and money we put into her party....and her gift was a combo grad/birthday one (a laptop needed for college)...on the evening of her birthday we gave her a special card, a magnet for her dorm fridge that has one of her fave Scriptures on it, and I made a homemade chocolate cream pie....a fave dessert with her.

We are treasuring each and every moment this summer...she has only 4 more weeks here in NYS....and then we get ready to head to New England and move her into her dorm!

What are some faves with you this week??  (and for those of you who were asking to see some pics, just click here)

Do you have weekend plans??

Feel free to share, in the comment section!


nikkipolani said...

What a fantastic week you had! Parties and games and ballet and summer and summer fruits :-) Enjoy your weekend!

Gattina said...

That was a lot of celebrating and fun ! I imagine the most important one was the "Graduation Party" that happens only once in your life !

Jientje said...

Congratulations on your graduation and your 18th birthday Courtney! I think both are very special.

Looks like your week was wonderful, I would have loved to see the ballet, that must have been awesome! Thank God for perfect Summer days, Winter is going to be long enough, so let's enjoy it to the fullest!

Susanne said...

That was one full week! Lots of celebrating for your family.

An outdoor ballet sounds like a lovely way to spend with a dance loving daughter!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Hurray for happy memories with your girls. These will be great to hold on to when/if there are hard times in the relationship.

The ballet sounds perfect especially outdoors. A real blending of two types of beauty: one from nature and one from hard work.

Have a great week, Faith.

Paula said...

Your week sounds delightful; especially the ballet. I've never been to one; can you believe that? :)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

LOVE the pictures! The ballet sounds just lovely. What a great way to spend a summer evening. Congrats to Courtney. Praying for you as you get ready to launch your first. Such an exciting time!!

Catherine said...

What a wonderful week for both of your girls! I'm so glad the party went well, and that the weather let up for you to have a perfect evening with Claire. The ballet sounds beautiful.

Happy Birthday to Courtney. the countdown to college must be bittersweet.

Willow said...

What a busy week of celebrating milestones. Congrats to your girl on her birthday and graduation. The ballet sounds like it was a very special evening.
Enjoy these weeks with your older daughter before she leaves for college.