"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

30 December 2011

Christmas Week Faves

Friday already!!

The week was so relaxing with the 4 of us home.  I'm writing this on Thursday evening because we are heading out to Central NY, about 2 hours west of here, to celebrate Christmas with my parents and one of my sisters and her husband. I can't wait!!  In fact, you can "meet" my sister (she's 5 years younger than me so is the younger sister in the middle of my other 2 younger sisters) over at her blog.  For now.......let's take a look back and find those 5 special things that top our "thank You God" list....our faves!  As always, this is hosted by Susanne from Living to Tell the Story.  Head on over to her place to link up and join in!

It's hard to choose just 5 things this week....there are so many things I've loved about Christmas week.  I guess I'll show the week in pictures with just a little bit of description.

  • CHRISTMAS EVE!  From baking cookies with my oldest, to filling the stockings, to reading the Word, to singing carols at our church's Candlelight Service followed by watching a classic movie.....I count all these as special ways to mark Christmas Eve and the celebration of the coming of our Savior.

Courtney is thrilled that we surprised her with a fixed guitar and case
(claire in background with the Santa hat)
c. faithe MTPics 12/2011

Dave on Xmas morning
December 2011

  • CHRISTMAS DAY!  Leisurely breakfast, gift giving, remembering the Greatest Gift given and marveling in it.  Special moments throughout the day.  Reading, relaxing, playing games, laughing, talking, eating, playing music, and watching the broadcast of a Christmas service our church recorded for the local networks.  All these things made our Christmas so special.

Dave put these in my Christmas stocking!

  • RELAXING MORNINGS!  One of the faves for this week has been sleeping in past 5:30 and enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee.  Or 2. Or 3.  And repeating the coffee break in the late afternoon or early evening! Dave bought me 2 of my very fave Fresh Market coffees which was a total surprise.  I most especially have enjoyed the Peppermint Creme....yummy!   I also had time to browse around Facebook and read some blogs I like to visit.  I discovered that a friend from Kindergarten days was trying to "friend" me....she and I first met in 1965!! We were "best friends" until she moved to the next town over when we were in 4th grade.  We got together once during high school and again once during my college days.  And then we lost touch. Until this past week.  It has been marvelous and she has become a Christian, too!  
a gift from Dave!
  • NEW BIBLE!  My beloved "Women of Faith" devotional Bible that I've had since 2002 is torn.  It's a softcover Bible that I bought at the conference when they were here in Albany.  I've been wanting a new Bible but am "picky" about them.  Last year I received the Chronological Bible which is nice for general reading. However, I really wanted a traditional Bible and in New King James Version.  Basically, the Women of Faith one only in hardcover.  And my husband surprised me with one for a Xmas gift!  I love it. (and yes I'm keeping my old one....it is in a special basket in our bedroom).

  • The Comfort of the Holy Spirit and the Cleansing of Tears.  This might seem like an odd fave but...a  dear friend and sister in Christ who is a few years older than me, lost her significant other this past Wednesday.  It was sudden and shocking.  She had only been dating him for a short time....about a year. This woman has always been a friend to my husband and I. Her 2 oldest daughters are very dear to us and they used to babysit for us when my oldest was just a baby/toddler. We used to go to the same church and she is one of the only women who stayed in touch with me after we left.   We love her to pieces for the godly woman that she is and always serving someone.  We had just met her guy friend at our daughter's graduation party this past summer.  We were thrilled for her.  When I heard the news that he had had a heart attack that turned out to be fatal, I was crushed for her.  I wept at the unfairness of life.  I questioned right along with her "GOD...why???? just when she is in her mid-50's, and found some love and happiness, he is taken away from her".  And yet:  God is faithful and good.  God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.  Oh my.  It's been tough to wrap our brains around this.  BUT......here comes the "fave":  being able to pray and do spiritual battle for this beloved friend.  Seeing all the other Christians on Facebook rallying around her, lifting her up in prayer, offering to help, etc.  There is unity in the body of Christ.  and for this we can have Eucharisteo......a fave.....that treasure from God:  peace amidst grief and loss.  If you think of it, could you please keep my friend L in your prayers??  thank you!!

Do you have some fave things from this past week?

Please share in the comment section!


Lisa notes... said...

Your week sounds like it was a great on! Mine has been too. Sorry about your friend losing her special friend though. :-( Losses like that are always even harder around the holidays....

Susanne said...

I'm sorry for the loss your friend is going going through. Saying a prayer for her. Glad you are there to be able to support her through this hard time.

Your Christmas sounds like it was lovely, Faith. Full of love and family. Have a wonderful weekend with your extended family and Happy New Year to you!

Karyn said...

Sounds like a great Christmas for you! Hope your celebration this weekend is as blessed.

White Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas movies - although I always wonder why it is considered a 'christmas movie'?

So sorry for your friend's loss - she is blessed to have you to support her through this loss.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

You opened your five the same way I did -- saying this would only scratch the surface! So much to be thankful for.

Glad to hear you had a great week and are enjoying your girls. I'll remember your friend, L. She's blessed to have you as a friend.

Have a great new year!

Hope said...

It was a great Christmas week, wasn't it? Love what Dave put in your stocking. I said I don't like flavoured coffee except for pumpkin, but peppermint sure sounds like something I would like. You can put mint extract in hot cocoa. Do you think you can do the same for coffee?

Am praying for your friend. That seems so unfair, but I know that God is always in control even when we can't understand what He is doing.

Glad you had a relaxing week.

Catherine said...

I always love your FFF. There is so much love of God and Family in every one. Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us.

I'm so sorry for your friend. I will pray for her, and hope that her faith can sustain her while she grieves her loss, and what might have been.