"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 January 2012

I Am.....

Marriage Monday is here again!  E-Mom over at Chrysalis is hosting this twice a month post and this week the topic is all about us: the Christian women who are married and participate in this online "ministry".  We are supposed to fill in the following sentences so here goes.  E-mom gave us the first 2 words for each sentence.  I wrote the first thing that popped into my head when I saw each one, so here goes!

I am…..a  52 yr old Christian wife, mom, daughter, cousin, niece, aunt, friend, volunteer,  and special education teacher.

I want…..my daughters to follow Christ all of their days.

I have…..unspeakable joy in my heart....the husband I never thought I'd have, 2 precious daughters, a wonderful church and good friends...and the contentment that comes with serving Christ.

I wish…..people would be more tolerant of each other and look at the person, not the sin.

I hate…..bullying,gossip, dishonesty, and prejudice.

I miss…..my friend Candace.... I write and get no answer.....:(

I fear…..that my in laws will die before coming to know Christ as their personal Savior.

I feel…..content most of the time.

I hear…..laughter of my daughters, tears from struggling students, and wonderful worship while at church!

I smell…..a balsam scented candle reminding me of the pine woods I love so dearly....and chicken soup simmering in the crock pot!

I crave…..croissants spread with Nutella

I search…..for Scriptures that speak of peace, emotional healing, and forgiveness.....some of my very favorite topics.

I wonder…..if my oldest daughter will get a summer job!

I regret…..some things but I praise God for His mercy and grace!

I love…..my husband, my 2 daughters, my friends, and extended family and I love Jesus and my church! I also love hiking and being in the mountains! and coffee......

I ache…..when I see the parents of special needs kids struggling to understand.

I care…..about our environment and the way people treat God's creation!

I always…..have a book going....always.

I am not…..a fan of the winter months

I believe…..in the healing power of prayer and in the forgiveness, mercy and grace of Christ and in giving people 2nd chances!

I dance…..sometimes with my husband and sometimes by my self when no one else is around!

I sing…..the song of the Lord when He gives me one and in church, the car, and with my ipod while cleaning the house!

I cry…..when I am especially sad or at sappy romantic movies.

I don’t always…..think before I speak.....

I fight…..with Dave sometimes about the stupidest things!

I write…..often!  On this blog and in my private journal which will someday be turned into a book (a dream) and real letters to family and friends who live out of state!

I never….want to lose faith in people or stop giving people 2nd chances

I listen…..to a variety of music.  to the wind blowing through the pines on a mountain summit...to my ipod when power walking....to the cardinals and jays at the feeder every morning.....to the silence that surrounds me in the deep wooded trails....

I need…..to get up to the mountains!

I am happy…..most of the time....and especially when in the woods/mountains/at the ocean....and when my daughters are happy!


Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I like this, Faith

Constance said...

A kindred spirit, another one of us who NEEDS to be in God's creation!! I can SO relate! I'll always remember an experience I had while hiking on the Garden Wall Trail in Glacier National Park in 2005. As I took in the panoramic view of majestic mountains surrounding me, I thought of the words of a hymn, "And for thy pleasure, they are created for Thou hast created all things..." I too, took great pleasure in His creation and in that moment, in that finite, human, almost immeasurably too small to be recognized moment, I felt connected to God's heart in a way that was too VAST to be measured!!

Susanne said...

A great post to get to know a blogging friend.

Messy Marriage said...

I love Nutella and croissants too! Also loved learning about you! :)

Lisa Maria said...

You reveal a beautiful spirit Faith (I think your name suits you too!) I love God's creation myself and among the other things we have in common.. COFFEE!

It was nice to get a glimpse of your heart.

God bless!

April @ The 21st Century Housewife said...

This is such a lovely post Faith! Thank you so much for sharing it. I've been away from Marriage Monday for a few months, and it is lovely to be back.

Miriam Pauline said...

Beautiful list! And yum...nutella and croissants.

eph2810 said...

Thank you for sharing a little about you. I enjoy meeting new (new to me) bloggers and sisters of faith.

I don't always think either before speaking, but is has gotten better over the years :)

Love & peace,
<>< Iris

April @ The 21st Century Housewife said...

I'm sorry you couldn't find my post, Faith. It's on my main blog here

TerriG said...

Nice to meet you. Stopping by from Marriage Monday!

Denise said...

Like your answers.

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

That was cool!! I would have the same response for I smell, I feel, plus several others. :) Thanks for praying for us Faith. :) Don't know if we will be up to the Adk's this summer, we still have a ton of traveling to do with Ty's baseball team.

Susannah said...

Loved this Faith... you are such a joyful, caring person. AND very forgiving. You're a person who forgives again and again, all the way up to seventy times seven. I wish I was as gracious as you.

You're also very auditory, with a delight in sounds of all kinds. So cool.

I enjoy the fragrance of balsam, and mountain forests too. (LOL, we still have our Christmas tree up... and it's scent has been wonderful. A reminder of the great PNW.)

Thanks for your continued support of Marriage Monday!

Hugs, e-Mom ღ

Julie Arduini said...

Beautiful. I could smell the balsam as I read. I think I wrote before that I'm writing a contemporary romance based in the ADKS. My favorite place in the world.

Beautiful blog, too!