"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

22 January 2012

Something New!

I'm doing a new "meme" over at my food blog, faithfixes.  

Feel free to check it out!

It's called DOING DINNER

 and  basically it's to encourage each other to have a weekly menu plan for dinners.....I like to write mine out on Sundays as I tend to do the food shopping on Monday evenings while my youngest is in her pointe class.  Having a dinner menu plan really saves time when I get home from work.....sometimes I switch things around but it's fun to try new recipes and stick with a plan to keep my week organized and running smoothly.  On Tuesdays, none of us can eat together but there is always a plan.....or my husband just grabs a bowl of soup or eats leftovers.......

So check it out...there's a Mr Linky if you want to play along......It will be fun to see each other's ideas!  Link up anytime between Sunday and Tuesday!

Hope to see you over there!

1 comment:

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Hahaha I don't cook, my husband does, but if he comes up with some cool stuff I'll be sure to link up : )