"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

29 March 2012

End of March Faves

I really can't believe it is the end of the work week already.

Spring has definitely sprung here in my part of New York State.....although the temps are more like a normal March now! The month has flown by due to all the extra-curricular activities and work we have been involved in.

I still found time to find 5 blessings from God this week.  It is always good to look for the blessings in the busy-ness!
  • THE JUNIOR HIGH SPRING MUSICAL:  BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!  Our youngest (age 13) was in the chorus-line of the spring musical at her school.  The auditions were before Christmas and rehearsals started the week after Christmas.  The shows were last Thursday evening through a Sunday matinee totaling 4 performances.  We went on Friday evening with my in-laws who drove all the way from Boston. I was hoping my own parents would come as they only live about 65 miles away but...they didn't. They really missed out....it was an outstanding show with all three nights sold out! My in-laws loved it.  Claire's youth pastor and his family came as well which was a real thrill for Claire.  She played a village woman and a fork. The costumes were amazing.  Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures so.....trust me when I say the seamstress who did almost all the sewing really created the outfits to look like the ones in the movie. The school did rent the outfit for Mrs Potts, though.  It was so much fun to watch these talented teens!

Claire on opening nite
Beauty and the Beast
c. faithe MTpics2012
  • BACKYARD BADMINTON!  Claire had some free time on Saturday afternoon before needing to get to the curtain call so she and I went outside for an hour to just hang out.  We decided to dig out the badminton set. We had so much fun....I've always loved badminton and Dave and I used to play a lot as did my oldest daughter and I every spring.  I had to go in to get laundry done so Claire decided to stay outdoors and practice her serve.......what a perfect way to do some relaxing before the 3rd show! and it was great exercise for me!
Claire practices her serve
c. faithe MTpics 3/2012

  • TOGETHER TIME!  While Claire performed in the matinee on Sunday, Dave and I decided to take a long walk around the neighborhood and the new development going up across from us.  What a beautiful afternoon it was for a leisurely walk.  I was planning on power walking but he really wanted to talk about some stuff he is working on, so a leisurely walk was in order for the day.  We really needed this time alone after a busy previous 2 days. We talked about the sermon and what Dave is now working on (a science fiction story he hopes to get published).  Once the walk was over, I headed out to pick up Claire and get her to the cast party...and then Dave and I  enjoyed a Netflix movie together while eating the homemade potato-bacon-cheddar soup that simmered all day in the crock-pot. It was the perfect ending to a nice Sunday.
image taken from dreamtimes.com

  • A FRESH MARKET MEAL!  Thursdays are hectic at our house.  I get out of the classroom at 3 pm and am home by 3:15.  However, I need to have dinner ready by 5:15 on those evenings as Dave and Claire have youth group at 6 and my small group of women arrive by 6:30.  Once I am home, I change my clothes, freshen up the half bath and family room, and do whatever needs doing around the house.  This Thursday I decided to stop at The Fresh Market for dinner.  It is just SOOOO much more convenient and fun to try whatever specials they are having. From their deli, I bought 3 ground beef empanadas, a half pound of Pesto Pasta Salad, and from the bakery I bought French Vanilla Chip bread  (dessert) for dinner.  I only had to reheat the empanadas!  While they were reheating in the oven, I opened the container of pesto pasta, steamed some pea pods in the microwave, added some cheese cubes to leftover spinach salad from the night before and voila!!  Dinner was ready by 5:15.  I LOVED it. The empanadas were absolutely delicious!! I had never had ground beef ones before. They had wonderful spices, red peppers, and onions.  They were a hit with everyone.  A quick, easy dinner is always a fave...especially when the food is from TFM!
Our town's The Fresh Market
image taken from bizjournals.com

  • THIS QUOTE!  In the new study book that my small group is doing, there is this quote in Chapter 2 that really jumped out at me.  It's this:
"One of the greatest powers that God has given us for good is the power to love....God honors all that we say and do when we are motivated by love for Him and love for others, even if we make mistakes at times in how we show our love.  Never be afraid to love others.  Your expression of love will ultimately result in both harmony and a defeat of Satan."  Charles Stanley, Protecting Your Family:  Stand Strong Against Today's Challenges, pg 17 c.2008
My thoughts on this quote: 
Sometimes, when thinking of mistakes I have made with relationships/friendships, it scares me into opening up to others and really loving them or going deep with them.  BUT...by not loving, I am not being Christ-like.  I am no longer going to be afraid to love others...even the ones who have tried to hurt me (emotionally speaking).  Even if that love is not reciprocated, it is not wasted.  Love....a powerful force from God.

Do you have some favorites from the past week? if so, link up with Susanne!



Paula said...

I can't believe March is over either! Sounds like you had a nice week. Enjoy your weekend, ;)

Susanne said...

April has definitely snuck up on me! It's a beautiful spring day here too, actually. I'm hoping it will last for when my daughter drives home for Easter!

I would have loved to have seen the costumes. They sound amazing!

Chris said...

What a great thing...to be able to walk with your hubby during this beautiful Spring!

Jerralea said...

What an enjoyable week you had! I bet the costumes for Beauty and the Beast were cool. I remember that movie so well ... my three daughters watched it sooo many times!

We don't have a Fresh Market in my area, but if I did, I would certainly give it a try.

My hubby and I just started walking together at the track. We are trying to power walk.

Love the quote. I believe we are most Christ-like when we love those who have hurt is. The good thing is, He has promised to help us.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a great family week. I enjoyed that quote. Happy weekend to you!

LittleWomen21 said...

I took my kids to see a local version of Beauty and the Beast a couple years ago, and after the show the actors (still in costume) mingled with the audience. My daughter was too scared of Gaston to go up and say hi to him!!!

Like what you had to say about mistakes with past relationships making us afraid to open up to new relationships (I could so relate to that) but we are still commanded to love even if its not reciprocated - it is a powerful force of God!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

I haven't played badminton is a bunch of years. It was so fun and certainly brought a lot of laughs b/c we weren't very good. It is a great way to relax and get some sunshine. So glad you and your daughter had the opportunity to play this before her 3rd show.

Oh, my. I imagine she was T-R-R-E-D after the last show. And what a sense of accomplishment everyone must have felt. So is there a break now, or is some other production in the works?

Have a great week.

Catherine said...

You must have been so proud to see Claire perform, and BATB is such a wonderful play. I'm glad it went well.
I smiled to read about the time you had with your husband. Those moments are so sweet.
I'm also always appreciative of the easy but somewhat healthy alternatives available for dinner on busy nights.
That's a beautiful quote, and your reflection was powerful, too. Thanks for sharing.