"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

17 May 2012

Nature Faves

Fridays mean finding five faves from the past week!

It's great to reflect back and find things, moments or people that helped make the week special.

Won't you join us?? Just link up at Susanne's and start counting your blessings...or at least five!

Mine revolve around nature, for the most part.  It was a wonderful week that seemed to fly by!  The weather has been very nice and spring is well under way!  The month of May is so pretty in eastern New York State.

Purple Iris in side yard
c. faithe MTpics2012
  • PURPLE IRISES!  Our irises are blooming early this year! Usually these don't open until the end of May/beginning of June.  My side yard, up against the house, has some nice irises as well as the front flower bed.  Even my peonies are almost open! I love all my spring perennials....and they are so easy to maintain! Just trim back in the autumn months and enjoy the blooms during the late spring! Flowers are always a fave.......
Claire and Dave planting the tree
c. faithe MTpicsMay2012

My pear tree!
c. faithe MTpicsMay2012
  • MOTHER'S DAY!  I had such a  relaxing Sunday.  I loved every minute. From breakfast on the deck, to church where we heard an excellent sermon on our new sermon series "Forbidden" a six-part series on temptations people face. Sunday's was tempations that women face. After church we enjoyed a delicious lunch at our fave Pakistani restaurant in town for northern Indian food, and then we went home to change and head over to a local mini-golf and ice cream place.  We had so much fun and the only thing missing was my oldest daughter who was still at college studying for her last 2 final exams.  After a yummy dish of coconut chocolate ice cream, we headed back to the house where I got to relax on the deck.  The pictures above show my mother's day gift that my 13 yr old chose:  a pear tree for the backyard.  She even wanted to help plant it so Dave taught her how...she is such an "acts of service" girl :) Being out side for most of the day, enjoying God's creation is always a fave...... 
the reading and social gathering corner of our deck
May 2012
  • READING AND RELAXING!  I got to spend the late afternoon and early evening on the deck just reading and relaxing.  Courtney sent me a FB message saying happy mother's day (this is how college kids love to communicate!) and that was special to me.  I opened up my cards from Claire and Dave and just had a relaxing time outside.....always a fave!

c. faithe MTpics2012
  • CILANTRO!  the seeds I planted about 2 weekends ago have finally started growing!  Cilantro is excellent with Mexican style foods and is great to use in marinades for grilled chicken, pork, and steak. It has a sweet zing to it.....fresh herbs from my own pots is always a fave.
April 2011

  • HOME FOR THE SUMMER!  Our oldest daughter, Courtney, is home from Gordon College for the summer.  She arrived home on Tuesday evening and has been unpacking ever since! She said the semester was tough. She takes 16 credits each semester and worked a part time job at various times throughout the semester.  We don't have her grades/GPA yet but she did say her Art Portfolio review went well and she did well on her final project.  Her goal now is to try to get a summer job.  It's tough in our area for teens who don't go to to college in the area because places don't usually hire them if they have to leave again in August. We are praying this weekend that she can find something!  At any rate, it is great to have my first born daughter back home where I can cook her favorite foods, laugh with her, listen to music with her and talk about awesome books with her. We've already been to the library once one evening this week!  And she has changed so much!!  I'll be doing a post about the new way our relationship has turned....from little girl to teen to emergent adult....I have loved each stage and I am especially enjoying our talks as we are more like friends now...something I never really felt with my own mother.  And we have very similar tastes in clothing I am finding out!  Hanging out with my eldest girl is always a fave.....

So that's some faves in this sweet spring time weather.........

I hope you all have wonderful plans for the weekend.....a time to refresh, recharge and relax!



Susanne said...

A pear tree! Yummy, that will be a gift that keeps on giving!

How nice to have Courtney home for the summer. Praying she'll find just the right job.

Barbara H. said...

Pretty irises! I've never had any -- maybe some day! And what a neat idea to give a fruit tree. Sounds like a lovely Mother's Day! How great to have your daughter home for the summer!

Jerralea said...

What a wonderful week you've had! I love the idea of the pear tree. You will always have it to remember the day.

Enjoy your time with your daughter.

Hope said...

Those irises are pretty. What a wonderful gift Claire chose! A pear tree! Donny and I were just talking about how we wish we had a couple of fruit trees. Glad Courtney is home. Your mother's day sounds great. And reading and relaxing in the afternoons is always a treat. I did some of that too, this week. Have a great weekend.

Kathie said...

What a lovely Mother's Day! Years ago my family gave me a flowering crab tree - it's the kind of gift that keeps on giving. I enjoy it's beautiful blossoms every May!

Speaking of blossoms - your irises are lovely. I have some too and they are close to blooming. Everything is early for us this year too.

Glad that your oldest girl is home - our girl is searching for a job as well. I'll say a prayer for your girl too.

Happy weekend!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

The Iris is pretty...I don't know my flowers well. Normally if you said "Iris" w/o a pic, I'd be like "I wouldn't know an iris if I fell over one!" But I LOVE my roses!!

Mmmmm relaxing and reading is my FAVE!!!!!!

So great to have both of your girls home for the summer. I'll pray that she finds a good job for the summer!!!

Never heard of Cilantro, lol. Yay for your pear tree!!!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Spring/early summer is treating you well, Faith! So glad you have your college girl home. Praying she finds just the right summer job opportunity. Even with my boys, it's so neat to see the changing but still ever-so-close relationship that develops.

Have a restful weekend.

Ingrid said...

You had a nice week, I wish good luck to your daughter to find a summer job !
Concerning relationships, yes they change ! I have to get used to a new son who became father ! lol !

Bluerose said...

Beautiful irises! We haven't had the best luck with ours.

Your Mother's Day sounded wonderful!

I'm so glad your daughter is back home for the summer. I prayed for her to find the perfect summer job. :)