"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

12 October 2012

It's the Simple Faves

It's Friday....several of us link up at Susanne's and write about FIVE of our FAVORITE blessings that God brought into our lives this past week. Please join in!

It is good to give thanks unto the Lord!

And sometimes it is just the simplest things that we often overlook.........

this week, I had several little things...simple things....that just blessed me......
  • SUNSHINE AND OUTDOOR BREAKFAST in my husband's hometown and then a DAY AT THE BEACH HOUSE ON BUZZARDS BAY WITH EXTENDED  T------FAMILY MEMBERS...some we hadn't seen in over 5 years!

left side, front to back: Kathy (Pete's wife), Me, Dave
right side, front to back:  Claire, Courtney, Pete (Dave's bro)
Pete and Kathy just built this log cabin home in MA

Our 13 year old with her Great-Uncle Ron from Maine at the house on Buzzards Bay
  • APPLE CINNAMON SPICE TEA.....for a sore throat and head cold......one of the only hot teas I thoroughly enjoy.
image taken from onecupconnection.com
  • NEW AVON "BEAUTIFUL" FOOT CREAM  A wonderful scent to this foot cream with jojoba oil beads that really make my feet feel pampered. I massage it in just before slipping into the sheets at night.....Ah.....it's now my favorite foot cream!
image taken from onegoodguide.com

  • AUTUMN COLORS!  It's not quite "peak" season here yet in my part of New York State. In fact, our cherry and maple trees are still green and are just starting to turn yellow. Most of the trees in town are still green although many are red, gold, orange....so pretty!  This picture is one I took on my cell phone of a road that leads to the bike path where I sometimes walk or ride after work.  This week this just made me so thankful for the Creator and all He has given to us to enjoy. and yes...I'm a Naturalist!
about 2 miles north of my neighborhood

  • NEW LOGO!  My 19 year old daughter,Courtney, a 2nd year Graphic Design student in college, created a new logo for my blog.....you can see it on the top of the page! This was her first project for this new semester.....I LOVE it. Someday, hopefully and prayerfully, she'll be getting paid to do art like this! 
created/designed by Courtney

Those are my 5 faves from the past week.

However, I do have something else to share. Last evening, when I was answering a message on Facebook, I came across this poem that my Aunt Ruth had posted.  There was no credit given as to who wrote it so......let's say "author unknown".....I thought it was excellent and just had to share it here on the blog.

and these are my thoughts, too although I could probably never put it so nicely in poetic form as whomever wrote this did.  I'm a Born again Believer......a Christian. Nothing special just a sinner saved by grace.  We all need His strength to carry us through and walk this journey and not one of us is perfect....nor do we have the perfect life but we can find joy, peace and fullness in Him.............amen??

Have a great weekend!


Kathie said...

A beautiful new logo! Congratulations to your girl.

Looks like a beautiful place to have a family gathering! I'm much farther north but our leaves aren't at peak either.

I'll have to see if I can get that foot cream and tea - they look great.

Happy weekend!

Paula said...

What beautiful fall foliage! Enjoy your weekend. :)

Susanne said...

Love the poem. I'm going to put it in my bible.

I love that tea. During the winter we tend to drink a lot of the herb teas in the evenings and that is one of them!

You're truly blessed to have access to such a beautiful home where your extended family can meet and reconnect!

Barbara H. said...

I love that log cabin! What a neat place to get together.

Your new logo is really cute. Your daughter did a good job.

That poem is wonderful.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Love your fives! Especially the tea, I have never heard of that kind before and I will definitely be trying it soon :)

Jerralea said...

Love your blog's new look. The new logo is spot-on!

I love the colors of autumn too. Your photo turned out great - you certainly have a beautiful view to enjoy as you drive.

Jess said...

Thanks for sharing your life's blessings and for stopping by my blog this week!
Always encouraging to have new readers :)

Willow said...

Ahhh, the fall color is lovely. We just don't get anything like that out here in SoCal. You have a great place to walk/bike! That log cabin home looks stunning, too.

I noticed the logo immediately. What a great thing that your girl made it!

Annette Whipple said...

Your family time sounds so special!!

Your daughter did a great job on the logo! It would really stand out against some red or blue solid/polka dot/striped edges (where your pretty leaves are now).

Fall hasn't quite hit here yet...we had our first frost, but the beauty is still coming...

Faith said...

Annette! the leaves are from a template from Cutest BLog on the Block website. Her prof told her it would look best like this I guess because I had wanted golden yellow outlining the clouds and words....she might be able to change it for me when she's on winter break :) she's super busy at Gordon!