"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 April 2013





What do these 3 things have in common??

They will help you stay physically and emotionally fit!

  • COFFEE:  recent studies have shown that people who drink 4 cups of regular (caffeinated) coffee a day have a lower risk of death from throat and mouth cancers.  This is due to the coffee's antioxidants and polyphenols.  (Janet Hildebrand, lead author of the study and epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society)  (note: this info was taken from the magazine Natural Health, pg 18 May/June 2013)
So drink some good regular (not decaf!) coffee today!! 

  • BLUEBERRIES:  A great way to reduce your blood pressure is by eating more blueberries (along with dark chocolate!).  The polyphenol that occurs naturally in blueberries can reduce hypertension in adults.  Plus the berries are known to decrease your bad cholesterol and keep away several kinds of cancers!  Blueberries taste great tossed on some whole grain, sugar-free cereal in the mornings (I like Great Grains or regular Cheerios) and skim milk.  Or just eat blueberries in a cup with blackberries, raspberries or strawberries.  I also add fresh blueberries to honey-cinnamon pancakes or stir into muffin mix.  Try them!!

  • NATURE: Take a tech break!!  Our current culture, here in the States, is that we are just too dependent on our technology whether it's our cell or smartphones, ipads, laptops, desktops, ipods, tv, etc.  The very best and most affordable way to get in some good work-out routines is by simply putting on a pair of good sneakers or hiking shoes and get outdoors!!  Walking is the easiest and very effective way to spend time in nature....in a quieter world.  If you live in the city, take a walk in your local park or head to the hills.  If you live in the burbs, like me, simply go to the numerous parks or bike paths/walking paths and hit the pavement MINUS YOUR IPOD AND CELL PHONE!!  Or if you are like me, and into hiking, whether it's a deep woods flat trail or a more challenging trail up a mountain, head there. (with a friend or spouse or children or all of the above!!).  Spending time outdoors, surrounded by the simple beauty that God created, can do wonders for you physically, emotionally, and spiritually (if your spiritual temperament is Naturalist).  I do bring a cell phone with me when I'm walking or hiking, but I do not use it except to let my family know I arrived or am departing.  I just ignore it (and sometimes they don't work in the woods anyways!).  Sometimes, when I'm rushed to do a power walk I WILL bring my ipod and listen to my fave tunes....but more often I simply enjoy a quiet walk with no distractions other than the natural sounds around me.  Try it!!

Coffee can help you unwind or give you energy....berries are simply good for you and it's good to get back to eating raw foods or plant-based foods over processed ones and nature......energy for your body and soothing to your mind and soul.

Be blessed and fit!!


Susanne said...

I'm like you, I like to get out in nature and just listen to what's around me. I have to admit blueberries is definitely something I don't buy hardly ever. I should remember them more. And you know I love my coffee!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I LOVE coffee and blueberries and nature!!! All three, what a perfect combo!!!!!!

This blog post makes me want to take a mug of yummy coffee and a bucket of blueberries and take a nice hike and praise God for everything :)