"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

26 April 2013

Savoring Faves

I really can't believe it's Friday already.

This week was so crazy busy that I had to force my self, several times in the last few days, to simply slow down, breathe, and savor some moments.  So my faves are all about the things that I "savored".

Join in with your list of Five Faves by linking up over at Susanne's site.


  • ROBIN's NEST  we discovered the robin, who loves our yard and wakes us every morning with her cheery call, was building a nest over the light next to our front door.  Dave decided this was NOT a good thing so he moved the nest to one of our cherry trees which is where the robins usually like to build.  However, she ignored it and began to build a new one in our juniper bush between the 2 living room windows. The living room is our reading/music room and I often write or do my quiet time in there.  I've enjoyed watching her flit back and forth with bits of twigs and twine in her mouth preparing her home for the eggs that I'm sure will appear soon. What a blessing to watch some of God's creation after a long day at work,  and savor those moments of life.  Robins are fun to watch. My mother (God rest her soul) used to love to watch the robins flit around......so I savored that memory as well!
  • EVENING WALKS!  Oh, how I've loved the last couple of evenings.  I was able to get in 2 really good power walks this week.  One was about an hour after dinner on Tuesday...it was so nice out!  And the other good work out was last evening before dinner.  I only walked about a mile both evenings due to time constraints but it felt so good to work out in good weather with sunshine!! I feel really fit and all ready for my hike on Sunday. What a blessing to have time to work out!

  • RASPBERRIES!  My absolute fave berries (besides blueberries) are raspberries. I found them on sale here and I've enjoyed them just plain for my lunches this week, and for an absolute fave dessert one evening:  chocolate ice cream with raspberries and chocolate sauce. I rarely eat ice cream now......in fact it has been many months...I typically skip desserts in the evenings, and when I do, I eat fat- free fro yo.  Well, we had this chocolate ice cream in the house and with the fresh raspberries, I just could NOT resist.  A definite blessing.....fresh berries with chocolate!

  • HIGH HONOR ROLL!  Our youngest (the one known as the ballerina) just started the 4th quarter of her last year of junior high school (8th grade).  Her 3rd quarter report card showed us a GPA of 3.97 which allows her to stay on the High Honor Roll.  She is wrapping up her Junior High years with a wonderful GPA and is all set to start the more rigorous course load at the high school in the fall.  It's a true blessing to have a hard-working daughter and I'm savoring every minute of these final days of Junior High. These last 2 years just flew by!!

  • HUBBY'S HELP!  Dave is a great provider, good spiritual leader in the home and a wonderful daddy to his 2 daughters. He is my best friend and a great husband.  However....the house...oh my...I think he just got so used to me being a stay-at-home-mommy for 6 yrs and then I only worked part time for the longest time.....and now that I"m back to full time in the classrooms, I have less time to get all the housework done in 2 or 3 evenings. So my weekends are often ones of chores, errands, menu planning, bill paying.  He used to help out all the time when we were newlyweds and DINKS (double income no kids). We shared the housework load and often shopped for groceries together.  But over the last almost 23 years, I am the one who manages almost all the housework.  BUT...he surprised me this weekend by helping out a bit with the trash, laundry, errands, and with cooking dinner on Sunday evening. Claire and I had to drive out to the central part of the state to visit my dad and other family members and when we arrived home in the early evening, the chicken was grilled, the table was set and the side dishes were just about done. How awesome was that??!  I savored every.single.morsel.  He really pulled through for me and I love him for it.  

That wraps it up!

Savor the special moments, people or things that God puts in your path this weekend......

and thank Him for it!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wonderful week! Love the A+ and Robins are so sweet. We are having wonderful weather here finally and it's so nice.

Susanne said...

I love listening to the robins, too, in the morning. Such a nice thing to listen too. I just wish the crows and magpies would quite trying to drown them out with their shrill cars.

A hubby who helps out like that is a real blessing. Especially without being asked!

It's been beautiful here too this last week, I actually got a bit of sunburn on my face yesterday! It's going to be a very warm weekend and I'm planning a walk with hubby.

Barbara H. said...

I've been enjoying a pair of cardinals in the back yard. It's cute to watch him give her a bite to eat.

Congratulations to your daughter on maintaining the high honor roll!

I had hubby help on my fave five, too, this week! How wonderful to come home and have dinner ready and to have some help with housework, especially when you're working full time as well.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

What a nice weekend surprise! Those raspberries look wonderful. I know I've said it before, Faith, but I wish we lived close so we could walk together. I need a walking buddy!

Have a great week ahead.

Willow said...

Great faves this week, Faith! I know you love your walks and hikes as do I so I particularly watch each week for where you've been walking.

Congrats to your hard working girl--success is 99% perspiration :)

Having a hubby who shares equally in the house chores, I know what a blessing it is--dinner on the table? No problem!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

YAY to the ballerina!!!!!!

I love evening walks :) Especially once the weather is nice, though walking while the snow is slowly falling and the moon is out is neat.

Aww great hubby ya got there!!!

We found a robin's egg recently up in the country at gram's. Joe put it aside so it wouldn't get stepped on. I felt awful that it wasn't with it's momma :(