"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 April 2013

Wherever you go........

I love hiking!  No surprise there if you know me or have visited this blog before.

I know that people shouldn't hike alone....especially in the mountains.

But sometimes I can't find anyone to accompany me.  So I can't hike a mountain at those times.....

How unlike our spiritual journey!

Yesterday morning I was in the book of Joshua while eating breakfast. I was feeling anxious a little bit because I knew the day was going to be a long one with work and the special needs children have been difficult lately; and then my daughter would need a ride to and from ballet and then we had to have a late dinner and I needed to fit in a work-out since I hadn't worked out the night before.....and.....I was feeling a little "alone". I was also wondering who was going to be able to accompany me on a hike on Sunday....I really want to get out there and get training for the bigger mountains this summer!

So I opened up the Bible to get into some quiet time with my Savior......

and these verses jumped right out at me.....

"This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage;  do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:8 & 9~

It's such a comfort, isn't it, to know that God is with us wherever we go??

We never have to text or call Him to ask Him if He can join us!

His purpose is to be with us!

I have to do what the Scripture here says to do and meditate on His Word day and night....keeping His Word in my heart, soul, and mind.......to remember the Truth....the promises, the assurance that yes, He is with me!!

When I do that, I know His perfect plans for my life.....my purpose is to walk alongside my God and worship Him...with all my mind, my soul and my heart......

and in doing so, I have the confidence that He is walking with me.  
He is on our life journey.

Wherever we go..........

and guess what?

I have a hiking friend for Sunday......and she walks with God, too! (she just texted me about it!)

How great is our God?  

He walks with us...........

.................wherever we go. 

1 comment:

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Wow, I love that verse in Joshua. I've felt the same way as you did about anxiety and "alone" especially when you have a super busy day ahead of you. But what an awesome verse, promise, to meditate on!!! Thanks for sharing it, Faith. I'm going to write this one down on an index card to carry around! Lol until I memorize it :)