"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

14 November 2013

Day 14 of Giving Thanks

Day 14.......

I am thankful today for my house.

We decided to build in the same suburb we were renting an apartment in when we were newlyweds.

We had our oldest daughter 3 years after our wedding, and moved into our brand new side hall colonial in the summer of 1994 when she was just one year. My maternity leave was up, so I was teaching summer school, a class of 10 special needs prekindergartners and then worked full time for another year after that.

At the time we built the house, we decided to fund it based on just Dave's income as I was starting to think I might want to be a stay at home mommy for a few years.  So after teaching full time after 9 years (one of which was my internship for my masters degree), I stayed home for 5 years!  I loved making the house a home......

...............and 19 years later we are still here!

I'm thankful we have been able to pay the mortgage and do some upgrades, slowly, over the years.  

I never want to take my house for granted!!

What are you thankful for today??

1 comment:

Dianna said...

I loved hearing how you started out your life together with your hubby...and what a wise choice you made in basing the new home building on your husband's income alone. I know you will always be grateful that you took that 5 years and devoted them solely to your family and making your house a home.

Today I am thankful for my health.