"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

29 July 2014

a homemaking meme!

The blog meme is back!!  

Susanne, from Living to Tell the Story, tagged me to participate in this fun writing exercise.  She was tagged by Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  This one is a "Homemaking" theme.  

I am now tagging my friend Melanie from As Real As It Gets.


Aprons - Y/N If Y what does your favorite look like?

I own an apron. It's from WIlliams and Sonoma. It was a Xmas gift exchange gift from about 15 years ago. I never wear it. It hangs on the wall in the stairwell leading down to our basement.

Baking - Favorite thing to bake?

I love to bake but don't do it as much as I used to when I was home and the girls were little. My faves to bake are my oatmeal-chip cookies, my chocoholic brownies, and my banana nugget cookies.

Clothesline - Y/N

I grew up with a clothesline.  I don't have one. I have a drying rack that in the summer months, I set up on the deck and put out the clothes that can't go in the dryer.  From Oct-June it is set up in our basement laundry area.  We have a lot of "drip dry" only clothes so it gets a lot of use.

Donuts - Have you ever made them?
yup...once with my special education pre- K class back when I was a single lady and master teacher and had a lot of time on my hands.  It was a pain. I never did it again!! (but the 4 year olds sure had a blast!)

Everyday - One homemaking thing you do everyday?
Well, I cook just about every day.  And wipe down sinks.  I cannot stand the bathroom sinks to be dirty. They get wiped down with lysol wipes, every.single.day. OH...and I make our bed every day. I can't stand an unmade bed. Sometimes my husband actually makes it. That's rare.

Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freeze?

 I wish!!

Garbage Disposal - Y/N
Nope...when we built the house we opted out.  We didn't like it when we had one on our apartment.....we were always losing forks.

Handbook - What is your favorite homemaking resource?
um.....there's a resource??    Internet nowadays I guess........or advice from older friends.....

Ironing - Love it or hate it?
um...I only do it when absolutely necessary...thankfully that is not too often.

Junk drawer- Y/N - Where is it?
yes, doesn't everyone have a junk drawer?  Ours is in the top drawer of the cupboard between the sink and the stove. My oldest daughter has been known to organize it. It doesn't last long.

Kitchen - Color and decorating scheme?
We have kept this room the original color from when we built it:  eggshell white, with a tan-light brown stone floor.  Light oak cupboards, white on white appliances. Stainless steel microwave.  Splashes of blues/reds/yellows in the decor/towels, etc.  with a blue gingham valance.  Rug for sink area changes depending on the season...currently for summer it is a small area rug with green vines/leaves on a tan background.  It is a room that is a earthy/natural look. I wish I had a bigger kitchen but.....

Mop - Y/N
I have 4 different kinds for 4 different floors. LOL. I have a Bona one for the hardwood in the dining room...I have a swiffer for the upstairs tile floor in bathroom, I have a sponge mop for the half bath off the kitchen for the laminate, and I have a wring mop for the stone floor in kitchen. OMGOSH i have FOUR mops. It's insane. I hate them all except the Bona.

Nylons - Wash by hand or in washing machine?
OMGOSH I hardly ever wear stockings anymore. I haven't heard them called nylons since the 1970s. LOL.  Seriously, in the fall, winter and early spring, I wear tights or leggings to work.  Once May gets here it's bare legs for me!

Oven - Do you use the window to check on things or do you open the door?


Pizza - What do you put on yours?

um...we don't really eat pizza much any longer (too much cholesterol) but once in a great while we do order one and we like a white 'za with garlic, tomatoes and green peppers.  Sometimes my husband will make homemade pizza...again, very rare as we are eating healthier choice, but he uses a lot of crushed garlic, green and red peppers, cheeses, and pizza sauce that is tomato based.

Quiet - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Well, during the summer months, when I'm home full time, I drink my mug of coffee after breakfast on the deck with my Bible, journal and novel.  Sometimes I just sit on the deck and pray.  During the school year, I make sure I have at least  10 minutes of quiet time after work which is typically either reading a few pages from my latest book, or reading in the Bible.

Recipe Card Box - Y/N
Yes! I've had one ever since we got married...24 years...I add to it all the time and go through it often pulling out ones we no longer use, etc. I love it!!

Style of house
Well, our house was built in 1994 and it's a side hall colonial.  Most of our furniture is Shaker style (hey...we live in the Albany, NY area...of course we like Shaker style!!).  I like simple and country so there's a lot of pine, wood accents, a few candles, simple touches. Super casual and comfy but streamlined...meaning not lots of knick knacks.

Tablecloth and napkins - Y/N
I don't use a tablecloth all the time although we do have a couple of nice ones at Christmas and I love my blue checked one for summer.  I use cloth napkins OFTEN..mainly at dinner time....so much more environmentally friendly and less waste.

Under the kitchen sink - Organized or toxic wasteland?
Organized.  I can't stand waste and mess. I only buy the basics.

Vacuum -  How many times per week? 
Our carpet cleaner guy says to vacuum carpets twice a week.  I do the living room twice a week and the bedrooms once.  Kitchen gets vacuumed as needed and bamboo floor in family room gets vacuumed often....sometimes every day depending on if the girls and hubby eat snacks in there.

Wash - How many loads per week?
It seems like our washer and dryer used to run every day when the girls were younger or when we were camping throughout the summer months. But...now that they are 15 and 21, they do their own loads (once a week or so), and I typically have about 3-4 loads per week. I don't really keep track!!

X's - Do you make a daily to do list and check it off as you do things?
Absolutely!!  I used to have a daily list running and checked off things as I went....especially during the school year. Now that I'm home and it's summer, I tend to have a weekly "to do" list.  Hubby has one too but mine gets checked off sooner :)

Yard - Y/N - Who does what?
We take turns.  He does the trimming as that trimmer is too heavy for me.  I do all the flowers/plants.  He likes to take care of the trees and bushes.

Zzz's - What is the last homemaking task you do for the day before you go to bed?
Straighten up the coffee table in the family room, plump couch pillows, make sure sink is empty and dishwasher loaded;  prepare the coffee brewer to come on at 5:45 a.m. and turn off all outside lights (front porch, deck)


Susanne said...

You made me laugh with the 4 mops. Four?! Thanks for playing along. I always did enjoy the memes and miss those blogging times when it was more about connecting than about making money off one's blog.

Faith said...

Same here Susanne!! Yup....four!!!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

These are neat!! I have a drying rack for my clothes too. I needed one since I tend to shrink clothes ;)

I have a mop I don't use. And a swifter :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

What fun! I sure enjoyed reading more about you and your home!