it's in the busy-ness of daily life..........
............the work with special 5 year olds figuring out what school is all about and the math and the writing and the sight words and the rules and the listening and the sharing...........'s in the busy-ness of the extracurricular.......the clubs, the running of the teen girl all over town and the new ballet schedule and youth group and volunteer work and the social life............'s in the busy-ness of a weekend getaway prep and the shopping and packing and organizing and planning........'s in the busy-ness of the housework done at day's end on 2nd shift leading to 3rd shift and the trying to fit in power walks and coffee dates and small group prep and why did I agree to join a small group as a couple.....isn't leading one enough..... and communicating with the husband and the tiredness that comes with too much on the calendar with too few hours in the day...............
it's in the busy-ness that I pause.......and remember.........
"Be still and know that I am God"
and it's in the midst of busy-ness that I try to seek Him and find Him to know I am loved........
.........and it's in the busy-ness that I wonder if my prayers are lifted up in the right way and what's the right way? is there a "right" way?
and why do I feel like I want to stop and get off this life? to walk into the woods and just be.............
it's in the busy-ness that I realize that sometimes we are two ships passing in the night.........and we barely see or touch............or hear..............
it's in the busy-ness that I hear His whispers and feel that gentle nudge to press, and find..........with all my heart............not give up......not walk away..........
to just be. Still.
A couple of passages that calm my spirit when I feel overwhelmed: Philippians 4:6-8 and Hebrews 4:15-16. I hope you have a good rest of the week!
Wow! Great words Faith! I often wonder at our calendar, does the Lord want all this busy-ness that we are involved in. Does it bring glory and honor? Are their souls won for the Kingdom. We are doing some backing down from some things because these very questions are plaguing us here at our homestead. So thankful that we can still hear his voice in all the noise.
Very encouraging, Faith. Great post. Always in the business I forget to "be still"
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