"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 November 2014

Praise Post #18

I'm  joining Jerralea's Journey blog as we number gifts He's given us during the month of November.  Each day I'll be sharing five things that I am thankful for.  Doing that for 30 days will produce 150 things we are grateful for...and it's easy to find those gifts if we take a moment to look.  You are welcome to join in!  Just head over to Jeri's!

Today I am thankful for:

  1. Scarves.  The bitter cold wind that has blown all day, and last night, merited me grabbing a warm scarf before heading out the door this morning.
  2.   Crunchy leaves.The leaves were partially frozen I think this morning!  Last night, here in eastern NY, we had lots of rain.  Out in the central and western part of the state, some places had 1 foot of snow and in a town near Buffalo, NY they had 42 inches of the white stuff!!  I'm glad I'm just dealing with wind and frozen leaves.
  3. Fleece slippers. I love slipping these on my feet after my early morning shower.  Keeps my feet so warm as I head down to our stone floor kitchen and bamboo family room floor.  Those floors get COLD this time of year!
  4. Texts from old friends. I had a text this morning from one of the friends I mentioned yesterday.  Although we exchanged brief messages, I plan on calling her at some point by the end of the week. It's been way too long since we've chatted.
  5. This morning's sunrise as pictured below:
sunrise from my deck
18 November 2014

What are you thankful for today??


Jerralea said...

What a gorgeous sunrise!

I'm thankful, too, for scarves. Especially since I forgot mine today!

We got 3 inches of snow, so I am really thankful I'm not from that town that got 42 inches! Wow!

Melanie said...

I love my fleece slippers! If my feet get cold, I'm cold all over! 42" of snow is a lot more than I'd want to face. I have one scarf which I wear only when it gets really cold. Now that I'm knitting again, I want to knit one for myself. Have a great day. Stay warm.