I'm joining Jerralea's Journey blog as we number gifts He's given us during the month of November. Each day I'll be sharing five things that I am thankful for. Doing that for 30 days will produce 150 things we are grateful for...and it's easy to find those gifts if we take a moment to look. You are welcome to join in! Just head over to Jeri's!
I was hiking in the deep woods about 2 1/2 hours north of my house yesterday, so I didn't get home until early evening and then I had obligations so couldn't write my post. I'm combining yesterday's and today's.
- Hiking buddies. I joined a hiking group and although I only knew one woman (the one who started the group) really well as we've been friends since we were 7 years old, I have loved meeting new acquaintances who are turning into solid friends who share a love of hiking with me. They don't HAVE to just hike in the Adirondacks, either....we all love hiking and will do a hike just about anywhere that has woods, a pond, lake, waterfalls, or a mountain summit! It's a real blessing to have these people in my life to share my love of nature and hiking.
- My car. I drive a Nissan Sentra and it is now 7 years old. I bought it new in August 2007 for going back to work after 5 years of working part time. It has not had any major problems and I am so thankful for that!! It also does a great job getting up and down some of those mountain roads where I like to hike!
- My coffee maker. We have a large Black and Decker coffee brewer that we set up the night before with the auto feature. There's nothing like waking up to the scent of fresh, strong coffee. This week we have been enjoying the new Dark Roast French from DD.
- Fresh flowers! One of the special education teachers I've worked with in the last 3 years, brought me a red carnation......she had some extra flowers leftover from a benefit dinner she had to organize and she gave me and my co-workers one of the flowers. It looks so pretty and cheerful in my glass vase on the kitchen counter...it really brightened up Friday evening when it was so rainy and dreary.
- Local farms. I appreciate the local farms just to the north and east of us because they sell eggs to some of the local grocers and the hens are cage-free and hormone-free. That's important to me and even though they cost a little extra, I don't mind at all. They are much better for our bodies. I never want to take our local farmers for granted.
- Flannel sheets. I put on our autumn leaf patterned flannel sheets Friday and oh how warm they are! We keep our heat very low after 11 pm and it's so nice to sink into those toasty sheets on these cold nights.
- The scent of wood-smoke. Yesterday, while hiking in the deep woods, way out in the Blue Mountain Wild Forest region of the Central Adirondacks, the 4 of us caught the whiff of wood-smoke. We don't know if someone was camping at one of the lean-to's or if it was a local house but that smell was so comforting....there's nothing like the smell of woodsmoke on a crisp, November day.
- Crisp Empire Apples. I bought some apples from one of our local orchards. My very faves are the Empire Apples. Crisp and crunchy...a perfect snack for hiking!
- Rock Tape. I use Rock Tape now on my right foot where I had the fasciitis all summer. Now that the swelling in that bone has gone down, I want to be extra careful with it so I wrap my arch with the tape for hiking or long power walks. What a difference it makes...no more pain!
- Hikes in Deep Woods: Yesterday's hike in the Central Adirondacks was just amazing. A totally different world than just a half hour southeast....there was this light blanket of snow, crisp blue sky (at times) and the penetrating quiet. We could hear chipmunks, jays, wild geese, wild ducks, and the whisper of falling snow from branches brushing our arms as we hiked along the trail's edge, trying to avoid the mucky mud. The peacefulness of nature.....God's Handiwork...just amazing.
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Tirrell Pond Trail from Blue Mountain Trailhead in the Blue Mountain Wild Forest Central ADKS 8 November 2014 |
What are you thankful for today?? Please share in the comment section.........
Faith, thank you for supporting your local farmers and not taking them for granted. I grew up on a far, as did my husband, and it is always a blessing to us when others recognize the fact that food, regardless of how it is sold, is there because of the labor of a farmer.
And I loved your comment about the wood smoke. It is comforting on a brisk November day. I said almost the exact same thing to my husband this morning as we walked to the car and smelled the wood smoke coming from our own chimney.
Loved reading about all of your blessings!
I was pretty sure hiking was going to be on your list! You sure do have some beautiful areas to hike in.
I'm so glad you found a way to keep your foot from hurting and still do the hiking you love.
The smell of fresh coffee is definitely a favorite for me, too.
You joined a hiking group. How fun! I hear of things like that but haven't done it. Maybe one day... You inspire me. :)
My husband mentioned flannel sheets the other night since it's finally gotten cold here in Alabama. But alas, we have none. Time to get out the electric blanket instead. Can't believe that snow on your trail! Wowsa. Enjoy. Have a great week, Faith!
I would love to go hiking some day. Right now, physically, it's not feasible but someday.... So many beautiful hiking trails in the Smokies! I also love my coffee maker! Have a blessed week.
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