So.....I'm working on those physical goals of MOVING my body at least 20 minutes a in actively moving. Having the Fitbit really does help. I'm loving the fact that I can see my progress. Yesterday I passed my goal of 3 miles a day!! WHOO HOO!
And guess what?? I've discovered that the gym really isn't so bad! It's hardly ever busy (we go to a free one located in the medical building where our doctors are located here in town. It's small, clean, and FREE to anyone who signs up and has a doctor in that building.
The reason I'm going to the gym? It's COLD out there in nature this week. As in arctic air has moved in! And I just can't power walk in these frigid temps.
So, Dave and I hit the gym on Saturday morning and I actually enjoyed my time there.
And last night, I went with a friend of mine from church and small group. I showed her how to use the treadmill as she had never used one before. Yes, it's kind of boring but going with a friend really helps! We can chat. And sweat together.
And it helps me meet my goal of spending more time with friends. Doing life together. And there's nothing like really knowing someone when you work out together! We did about 32 minutes in the gym before we both had to leave due to other commitments. But I felt great and when my Fitbit buzzed on my arm to indicate that I had walked more than 3 miles and had over 8,000 steps for the day, I was thrilled!!
At which point, I headed right over to Dunks for a steaming hot skinny peppermint mocha.
Hey.....a girl needs a reward, right??
And last night? It showed me that we can do this. We can stay fit in the winter months here in the northeast. We don't have to spend money to do it! We are blessed to have this free gym and it IS possible to make time to work out. After I worked out, I felt great. Not as emotionally or spiritually charged as I would after a great hike in the woods or up a mountain. Not as fit as if I had pounded pavement breathing in fresh air. Not as filled and content as if I had just ridden my bike the 5 miles down the country road near my house. BUT......I felt good!
I know my friend enjoyed her time. Yes, it's gonna get boring. But we need to just do it. This keeping of the goals...........
because we have the freedom to do it.
Thanking God for the non-gym person has discovered that 3 times a week I can handle this.
Praise God for the little steps.
And praise Him for friends who are willing to brave the cold and meet me there.
Just do it, friends! You'll be glad you did!
and until the spring and I can hike in my beloved mountains again, I will keep reminding my self about this::
So great to have free gym access! I tried going to a gym once and felt so out of place I never went back. I have some Leslie Sansone walking DVDs that I've thought of doing. The Fitbit sounds like a great investment!
FREE????? WOZWERS!!! Here, the "Y" costs nearly $75 a month, we can't afford that. You go girl! Blessings
You are always an encouragement to me, Faith, when it comes to health! Thanks so much for sharing here about keeping goals and staying fit!
I have never heard of a free gym before. None in our area anyway. So nice to have that option. I go to Curves and I really like it because it gets me going and the workout is only half an hour. I can do that! I lost my pedometer a few months ago and have another on order. I really miss it.
Free!? That is awesome. I have to drive 20 miles to the nearest gym. :( I am up and outside with my dog at 6 each morning trying to get into a new routine of being active early and to keep that momentum going most the day. I have been crashing by 8:30 at night but I'm up early! :)
It is definately better to workout with a friend!
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