"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

06 February 2015

Faves for February

It really is February!!

After today, Claire (our 16 year old) and I only have one more week of school/work until Winter Recess which is an entire week off!

For now, we are looking back over the week and finding FIVE of our FAVE things/events/blessings that God brought into it.  
How about joining me by linking up your own FFF by heading over to Susanne's our ever gracious hostess?


  • FIRST DATE!  Claire had her first official first date (not counting  group dates) with a guy from her honors chemistry class.  I was a bit nervous about it because 1.  she's the "baby" and 2. He isn't a boy from youth group so I really don't know him. My husband didn't know him either.  But..they were meeting in a public place (a local frozen yogurt shop and then going for coffee right next door) so we were ok with it AND we told her we would be going in to meet him. We both really liked him and were impressed with his manners.  This makes my fave list because this date was so important to her and the boy is so nice.  Whew. Being a parent of a teen can be difficult and scary, huh?

  • VALENTINE SALE!  This past weekend I had to run an errand at our drugstore, and I saw a Valentine's display.  This heart wreath was less than $5!!  They were having quite a good sale!  Since I'm going easy on decor now in my home, this was the only thing I purchased. I hung it up on the front door replacing the snowman sled I had had there ever since the Xmas wreath was taken down on New Year's day.  I love decorating my home and   it's always a fave with me when I hit a good sale! 

  • FIRST SNOW DAY!!  The capital region of New York State got hit with our first major snowstorm of the winter.  And it came overnight Sunday into all day Monday!  We ended up with about 12 inches of snow in my town and of course all the local schools were cancelled.  It was awesome having a snow day...even my husband stayed home and worked from his laptop for a little while.  The fave part though was the fact that 2 different neighbors helped us out with plowing and snowblowing.  What a huge blessing.  Dave and I still had to do some snowblowing and shoveling ourselves, but it was much easier on Dave (who is still recovering from his Sept heart attack!) to know that these neighbors were there for us.

  • SUNRISE ON SNOW! On Tuesday, the day after the storm, the school district was delayed for just 2 hours because the buses were having trouble starting!  So while I was having breakfast a little later than usual, I went to the deck door to snap the sun rising.  It was just gorgeous.  The snow was sparkling (you probably can't tell from my photo...I was only using my iPad).  It was so quiet and pretty and I thank God I get to live where the 4 seasons show their beauty.

image courtesy of pinterest
  • PRAYER SUPPORT:  Yesterday morning I received some very horrible, devastating news.  The 25 year old son of dear friends of mine from my undergrad days lost their son to suicide. Paul and I were good friends and he married one of my dorm mates (Kim) shortly after they graduated a year after I did.  We all reconnected a few years ago via Facebook.  Their son (the oldest of 3) had been depressed.  The part that makes this all a "blessing" if you can use that word in such a grievous time is that the outpouring of prayer support has been incredible for them. I burst in to tears when I first heard the news and at the same time I imagined God looking down on us and weeping along with us.  They both are born again believers and I know they will cling to Christ through this journey of grief that they must walk.  What a blessing to be able to be united in Christ and lift each other up in times of sorrow.

On a better note:  it's just about the weekend!!  Ah...time to relax after work tonight, enjoy some husband time while the teenager is away on a winter retreat, and dig into the Scriptures to refresh our souls.

What do you have planned??


Melanie said...

So sad to hear of a young life ending way too soon. I'm glad your friends have such strong prayer support. I remember the snow days of my youth. I loved listening to the radio and hearing the name of my school mentioned in the school closure list! Have a blessed Friday.

ellen b said...

Hi Faith, When I clicked on the link on Susanne's linky page I wasn't able to get to your fave five post. It might just be me and my server but you might want to double check the link just in case.
So sorry to hear of that young man's suicide. What do people do without some great prayer support? I can't even imagine the pain they are suffering. Your sunrise photo is beautiful. Good job on following up on your daughter's date! :) Have a great weekend.

Faith said...

thanks for the heads up about the linky Ellen. Will check it out...it might be because i did it at work via my iPad...which often doesn't correctly link me.

Barbara H. said...

Dating time can be so harrowing for parents. Glad Claire's first went so well.

Nice wreath!

So far we haven't had any snow days but my son in RI got 24" a week or two ago. I cannot imagine. I'm glad to have four distinct seasons here, too, but glad winters in TN are milder than NY and RI. :-)

I am so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your friends' son. In many ways that's the hardest way to lose someone. I pray for great grace for them in the days ahead and am so glad for the outpouring of prayer support.

I had trouble with the link from Susanne's too - the "s" and "p" were missing from "blogspot" in the url there.

Jerralea said...

What a great deal on the Valentine wreath! So cute, too.

Love the sunrise on the snow photo!

I'm so sorry to hear of your friends' loss. Prayer support is so needed and it is great you reconnected before this tragedy. I stopped right now and prayed for them.

First date? I'll pray for you, too!

Dianna said...

I remember those days of "first dates"...loved the wreath that you were able to get on sale...your school closing for snow day made me think of a note i had from my daughter-in-law who lives in Maine. She said in the last 10 days they've had 44 inches of fresh snow. I am really sorry to hear about the son of your friends. May God bring them comfort in their time of sorrow.

Hugs to you, my friend.

Ingrid said...

Living with a Teenager is not easy ! I had quite a hard time with my son when he was 15 from 18 on it went better and I survived !

Linda said...

So sad about the loss of your friends son. Living with a teeanger is not easy, I am taking a Adol Dev. class this semester, and let me tell you...these young people (rolling eyes)--I am glad my son is not out and about and doing things he ought not be. Keeping you in prayer. (and you already know our weather, lolol)wink

Susanne said...

So sorry to hear of the sad loss of your friends. I am sure God cries along with us. He feels our pain. I'm so glad that your friends have good support to get them through.

Love the wreath. I need to find a good deal like that!

nikkipolani said...

So sad, Faith, to read about your friends' loss. But you are so right that being united in Christ can bless and help bear one another's burden. You're weeping with those who weep and I'm sure your friends know they are loved.