"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

29 March 2015

Happy Palm Sunday to all my blogger friends and people who visit this site.

For me, as a Christian, this is the most Holy Week.....therefore, I will be taking a blogging break until Friday.

I had an amazing hike up a major mountain yesterday and God really showed me a lot of different things...He touched my heart in a way I haven't experienced in a long time....I am hoping to share some of those things with you!  But for this week, I need to be intentional in my Scripture study in the evenings after work AND prepare my home for company.

I pray that you would draw near to Christ as we begin to celebrate what He did for us on that cross....and then the miracle of New Life/Eternal Life.

God bless you!!

1 comment:

Jerralea said...

I'll be waiting to hear about your experience on the mountain when you get time to tell it. Have a wonderful Holy Week!