"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 March 2015

Variety of Faves

Once again a week has just flown by!

And it's time to reflect back on the week and fine FIVE FAVES among the many blessings that God brings our way each day.  I'm joining with other FFF-er's by linking up over at Susanne's site.


Lake George and the eastern Adirondack Mountains
as seen from the village pier/walkway
March 2015
  • MOUNTAINS!  Claire and I had the day off last Friday due to teacher workshops so we went to the outlet stores up in Lake George (about an hour north of our home) to shop for new shoes.  We were successful and also bought some new clothing for Easter, on sale at another store.  I then took her down to the lake so I could breathe in the mountain air and see if the "jewel of the Adirondacks" was still frozen (as you can see from this photo, it was ...there was only a small section that had no ice).  Claire snapped this photo with her iphone from the car because up there, the temps were only in the 20s and it was a very frigid, windy day.  The boat on the right is a tour boat that gives 3 hour excursions on the lake during the summer and autumn months. I love how the mountains look in this photo and the mountain with the little peak just in front of the boat (in the background of the pic on the right) is Sleeping Beauty and one that Claire and I have climbed.  The mountain in the far back is one that I have climbed with friends.

  • LUNCH DATE!  Before Claire and I went shopping, we met my youngest sister Jill for lunch at this place...a true fave of ours that I like to get to at least 2-3 times a year.  They have a very good menu at reasonable prices. And they are quite popular, so dining here in the summer months is tough as the Lake George area gets MANY tourists from all over the USA and Canada.  It was a lot of fun to meet my lil sis for a lunch date...she only lives about 10 minutes from Lake George so it was easy for her to slip away.  And the food was divine as usual!

  • GALA APPLES!  I found my self out of blackberries and blueberries this week and the ones at the local grocer didn't look great so I cut up a Gala apple (we had 5 in the fruit bowl) one morning for breakfast to put on top of my steel cut oatmeal and the 1/4 c. of walnuts I have just about every day.  Oh my.  I have found a new kind of apple and I LOVE chopping it up for my morning oatmeal.  It has a lot of crunch and a sweetness to it.......this is definitely one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast.

  • MONEY BACK!  What an amazing surprise we had on Saturday when we opened the mail from our dental health plan and discovered that they had reimbursed us for the entire cost of Claire's 4 wisdom teeth extractions! They paid the entire amount minus the sedation!  We are blessed.  This did NOT happen with our former dental plan when our oldest girl had her teeth out.  Getting money back is a definite fave!

  • DISHES DONE!  Wednesday evenings are a little hectic here.  After school, I usually pick Claire up from a club meeting or something at the school and as soon as we get home, she starts her HW as she has a 90 minute pointe class in the early evening.  Dinner is usually a soup and sandwich affair because while she's at ballet, I either run errands, work-out, prep for my small group, or do some housework.  Sometimes I try to fit all of these activities in!  Well, this past  week, I came home to work on some stuff around the house and discovered that Dave had already washed the dinner dishes....granted, most of them could go in the dishwasher, but he washed both pans we had used and reassembled the coffee brewer so I could get it set up for morning.  It's always a fave when my hubby surprises me with household chores.  So I surprised him with a huge hug and kiss while he was finishing up......it's fun to "keep the sparks" in a marriage and sometimes in the midst of the  daily, mundane tasks, we all tend to forget about that!
Those are just some simple things that God brought into my life this week..........

what did He bring into yours??


Monica said...

I too had some shopping time with my girls. It was a really nice day.
Oh yeah! refunds! Ya gotta love those. Most of the time so unexpected! :)
Hope your weekend is beautiful!

Ingrid said...

How nice to go shopping with your daughter ! In spring everybody needs new feathers. Looks still cold in the mountains !

Barbara H. said...

Lovely scenery! Glad you found some bargains. The lunch get-together sounds fun, too.

I love when someone else does the dishes.

How great to get money back from the oral surgery, especially unexpectedly!

Dianna said...

Loved reading here, Faith! Gala apples are our very favorite. And am excited for you about having all of the money reimbursed from the dental plan! What a plus. Loved the look of the Cafe where you met your sister for a lunch date last Friday. It looks like such a relaxed setting. And I love it that you rewarded your hubby for his efforts with the dishes. :)

Have a great weekend, my friend.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

What a great day with Claire in Lake George!!I love those outlet stores. Sister time is nice too. My sis is still a 7-8 hour drive BUT closer than when she was in WI.

Money back is always a good thing!!! And dishes done is even better than money back. I don't even like going to bed when there are dishes in the sink!!

What a great idea to put apples in oatmeal!!!

ellen b said...

Oh nice...you had lots of fun experiences this week. It's always great to have a successful shopping trip and to enjoy lunch on the way is good!Yippee for money back! Have a great weekend.

Linda said...

Gotta' love the refund! I enjoyed your pictures, thanks for sharing. Blessings

Willow said...

I know you treasure those times with your girls--now that mine are far away, I miss the little outings.
Having chores done--that's the best. :)

nikkipolani said...

Great faves, Faith. It's so good to have help when things are hectic. I'm glad you and Claire had some fun times out together as well as a lunch treat.

Susanne said...

Shoes, clothes, lunch out and help with dishes. Sounds like a great week to me!