"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 May 2015

Courtney with her friend Skinner (Nate)
Graduation morning
Sat 16 May 2015
Gordon College
Wenham, MA

The princess has graduated!

From college.  THIS college. (If you click on the link, she is the one who has her back to us..... the Art department graduates first (Alphabetical order) and she happened to be the one who turned as the pic was taken).

 We are so proud of her!

A Bachelor of Science in Math
A Bachelor of Fine Arts with Design Concentration

Two Degrees
(And hopefully a job in one of the fields come Sept!)

I thought I'd have the mental energy to blog about the experience.
You know...the whole "she's our first-born child to graduate from college and oh how the time flew" kind of post....plus all the bittersweet feelings that come with such a momentous occasion on a beloved Christian college campus.

But I'm exhausted.  It's back to work, housework, errands, working out, settling her in, helping her unpack, yard work, flower gardens neglected already and my deck plants are not even bought yet........and the list goes on and on because here in New York state we still have about 6 more weeks of school.  And the kindergartners are antsy and the projects are piling up and my teenager is super busy and oh my..............

no time to blog.

So for now I will leave you with a few photos.

It was great.

Courtney (the one on the right) with 2 of her 3 apt mates
Kami, Rebecca
After Baccalaureate on Friday evening

After Graduation!

Graduation was held on the Quad
the flags represent the nations that the international students are from
the seniors and parents sat to the right of the flags.  

walkway on one side of Quad leading to Courtney's apt dorm

more photos at a later date...................


Susanne said...

Congrats to Courtney! What a full and wonderful weekend.

Linda said...

Beautiful and congratulations to your daughter. Two degrees, I am so proud of her and you. Blessings