"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

03 July 2015

Sharing a Hike Faves

I'm actually on my way to Chatham (Cape Cod), MA right now so my Friday Fave Fives is going to be via photos of a hike I did with 2 other hiking buddies up Poke O Moonshine Mountain.  That is the mountain that is very near where the 2 escapees were running around after breaking out of prison. Thankfully, they are no longer on the loose!  HUGE thanks go to the NYS Police,  Forest Rangers, local Adirondack police, and the many prayers that went up for everyone's safety and peace of mind. We discovered the next day that we were about 20 miles from a cabin in which the criminals had been hiding out in!  Those of us who hike, can now breathe a sigh of relief that the only thing we need to watch out for this summer are bears. (and I have NEVER seen one on a trail...just their "scat"...and if you don't know that word, look it up!).

Sharing FIVE of my FAVE photos from that day and linking up with Susanne from Living to Tell the Story blog.  

POKE O MOONSHINE HIKE HIGHLIGHTS (we also explored the Adirondack ghost town of Tahawus (a.k.a. Adirondac) after our hike as it was only an hour south of the trail and right on the way home)

"Indian Paintbrush"
wildflowers found in the ADKs

from the summit looking out over
the Taylor Pond Wild Forest region of the Eastern Adirondacks
with the High Peaks of the Adirondacks in the background
and the Adirondack Northway winding through the wilderness

Poke O Moonshine's Fire Tower!
the 19th fire tower summit I have climbed!
(only 4 more to go to complete The Challenge!)

Home where Teddy Roosevelt was staying
when he learned the news that President McKinley had been shot!
This is one of the houses in the "ghost town" of Adirondac/Tahawus
I LOVED seeing this...had heard this history all of my life
 and was finally standing on these grounds

Hudson River near its starting point!
Wild, beautiful, clean, isolated.
The Hudson is 315 miles long
and flows into the Atlantic once it reaches NYC
which is about 4 hours and 39 minutes south of this photo!

That wraps up my faves for the week.  I will be back in two weeks and look forward to reading everyone's faves then.



Gattina said...

Nice pictures, so your hike must have been really enjoyable !

Barbara H. said...

nice views on the hike! Hope you have a great trip!

Dianna said...

Oh Faith...thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous pictures with us! It is easy to see why they were your fave fives!

And I loved your closing...red, white and blue!


Willow said...

You have such beautiful places to hike! It's so green and deeply forested.
Enjoy your weekend at Cape Cod! And continue to enjoy your summer break!

Susanne said...

Looks like it was a great hike with a beautiful day! The view is stunning.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Have a wonderful vacation.

nikkipolani said...

Wow, that flower is so bright and gorgeous! It's obvious you had a terrific time. Enjoy your travel trip.

Willow said...

Faith, I'm in Maryland-- Baltimore area. Later in the week, we'll be going on to Ohio. The humidity is killing us :)

Willow said...

Faith, I'm in Maryland-- Baltimore area. Later in the week, we'll be going on to Ohio. The humidity is killing us :)

Faith said...

oh yes i imagine it is very humid down there!!! Today is 76 here in eastern NY but a bit humid too. we usually have a few days in July of very high humidity until a tunderstorm comes in. supposed to happen tomorrow here! i have central air so its on during these high humid days!