"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

01 February 2016

For Today............

It has been a long time since I've participated in this journalist community.  Please visit Peggy from The Simple Woman to learn how to link up.


Outside my window...grey skies with a hint of the sun dipping below the horizon as it is 5:15 pm here in eastern New York State; temps in the mid-40s, windy.

I am thinking...about yesterday's sermon on the miracles of Jesus

I am thankful...for hot, steaming coffee

I am wearing...my work clothes: black footless tights with black pinstripe socks, a burgundy tunic dress, silver oval ear rings 

I am creating... a journal of favorite quotes

I am going...to the library later this week

I am wondering...how much homework my youngest will have in this new semester for 11th grade

I am reading... Depraved Heart; Becoming a Woman Whose God is Enough, and the book of Hosea in the OT

I am hoping...the mild weather continues into the weekend!

I am learning... how to "let go and let God"

In my garden...um...it's the middle of winter in upstate NY....what garden??  no snow but no garden!!

In my kitchen... grilled balsamic salmon for dinner tonight with steamed spinach, rice and raw veggie platter (pea pods, carrots, red, green, orange peppers)

A favorite quote for today...

A peek into one of my days...
rainbow over our backyard
January 2016

One of my favorite things... reading on the couch curled up with a strong cup of coffee and a fleece blanket after work or dinner

What about you? What's your day like??


Jodi said...

Love the rainbow photo. Curling up with a book (hot cocoa for me) and a fleece blanket sounds heavenly!! Have great week!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I'm with you on the favorite thing to do.

My day was long and exhausting but I'm thankful I have a warm bed to crawl into and a book to read :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

My first time visit to your blog -- enjoyed your Daybook post today.

Your rainbow photo is quite lovely. And curling up with an interesting book and something hot to sip is my idea of a good time too.

Wishing you a beautiful month ahead...

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith- sounds like a busy but cozy day. Doesn't look like you got any of the big snow storm at all! I love the curling up on the couch with a book part of your day. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Karen said...

Hi Faith, I missed FFF last week, so it's nice to connect with you through the Daybook. I started a book of quotes, and haven't seen it in a while. YOu've prompted me to look for it! A visit to the library -- one of my favorite things. Enjoy the rest of your week and hope to 'see' you this Friday!

Unknown said...

Lovely post! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your food sounds so YUMMY!

Susanne said...

I had a book of quotes awhile ago...wonder where it went? Hmmm, I'll have to look for it. Reading under a blanket is a fave here too but I'm afraid I can't do coffee past the early afternoon anymore or I just don't sleep as well so it's herb tea for me if I want a hot drink.