"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 February 2016

Winter Break Faves

It's Friday and the end of Winter Break for my 17 year old and I.  What a full week it has been.....and the extra rest and sleep have been so appreciated.

I'm joining in with Susanne for the weekly FFF post where we look back on the past week and share FIVE of our FAVE things that God brought along our way.

My husband's side of the family
  • WEDDING WEEKEND!  My husband (pictured back row, right) has a younger sister (Paula) who was remarried the day before Valentine's Day.  Here we all are at the reception in Plymouth County, MA.  From the front: the groom Bob and bride Paula with my inlaws.  Back row is Dave's oldest bro Pete and his wife Kathy and their daughter Beth, age 25.  Their son Adam (27) had to work (National Guard).  Then there is Ronnie (Paula's 15 yr old) and his sister Debi (the 14 yr old and maid of honor!), Dave's oldest sister Karen (her daughter Hanna, 23, is in grad school in England), my  daughters Courtney (age 22) and Claire (age 17), me, Dave. As you can see, most of us are wearing purple per request of the bride.  What a fun day!!  It was a small, intimate wedding with about 40 guests.  We had loads of fun, good food, dancing, drinks. I'm thankful it all went very smoothly and we are so happy for Paula.
my in-laws with all of their grandchildren, minus 2.

14 February 2016
Plymouth County, MA
  • VALENTINE'S DAY/DINNER:  My oldest had to work on Monday so she left my in-laws in the early afternoon on Sunday after I gave both girls their gifts for Valentine's Day.  Every year since they were  toddlers, they get candy and a book.  This year, my youngest requested just candy (she has a TON of books and prefers to buy her own..she collects the classics) and my oldest just wanted a study Bible.  Both girls got their wish.  Later in the evening, Dave and I along with Claire, and Dave's bro and his wife, and his oldest sis all went out to dinner to give my in-laws a break.  We had so much fun...and again....great food!  I'm thankful we could do this weekend of family time.  
image courtesy of college website

heart-shaped pond with 3 chapels
  • COLLEGE TOUR!  Well, it has begun......touring colleges with our youngest.  Oh my. Her list is....shall we say...very different from her older sis.  Most of the colleges she wants to visit/apply to are in the Boston area, one is in NYC, and one is in Philadelphia.  We have looked at several already online and scratched those off.  So we began with this university on Monday as they were one of the only ones giving tours and info sessions due to the holiday.  Since we were already in the area, we decided to schedule a visit.  We are thrilled that we did as it was wonderful and very informative. She has now decided this is a "must apply to" choice.  They have everything she wants:  business management, Russian studies, and ballet!!  She can take 2 ballet classes a week for FREE!  How amazing is that.  Now.....we just need money/scholarships and a "yes".  By this time next year, she will know where she is going....it blows my mind!!  The rest of this junior year and summer is sure going to be busy but I'm thankful we can walk alongside her in this process.  It's actually kind of fun!

  • CENTRAL NY VISIT:  On Wednesday, after a day of laundry and unpacking, food shopping, etc, I headed out to my sister Hope's place where she has a small farm in the central NY woods with her husband Donny.  Our dad also lives there in a little apt on the side of their home.  Dad is getting pretty bad with the dementia but not so bad that he needs a care facility yet.  It is difficult to have a conversation with him but it was so nice to see him and take him out to lunch.  He really seemed to like it.  At one point, I think he did know me as he showed me a picture of the girls and made a little joke.  But most of his memory is not good.  It is hard to see him like that.  I am very thankful he knows the Lord as his personal Savior and that he continues to attend church and read his Bible.  My sister and I had a great time, too. I'm thankful I had the time to go.  

  • LAZY MORNINGS:  every morning during this past week, which has been Winter Break, I have slept in and drank coffee, read the newspaper, meditated, and just enjoyed a lazy start to the day. Claire, too, has been sleeping in and having some leisure time with her boyfriend and just for her self.  She is so busy with homework all the time or ballet that it has been nice to see her have a slow-paced week. We all need those every now and then.  I'm thankful for slower-paced days. 

 That wraps up my week.....what about you? What blessings made you smile this week??


Wendy said...

Sounds like a great week and exciting times ahead for your daughter. It's hard caring for someone with dementia but sounds like you have a good arrangement in place for your Dad. Have a good weekend.

ellen b said...

Hi Faithe, A wedding with 40 people sounds so nice. I'm glad you had a nice celebration. Yikes, touring colleges again and with your youngest. I would highly recommend a literary tour of her favorite British authors instead of a party but I suppose that is up to her you and your hubby. Sounds like Valentine's Day was nice. I'm 100% Russian so it caught my eye that youngest wants a school with Russian Studies. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Mary said...

I like this "winter break" idea! However, we usually have some snow days, so those are really nice!
My mom was in the beginning stages of dementia when she passed away, so I know exactly what you're saying. It's very hard...it was hard for me to learn not to depend on her so much.

Ingrid said...

I had also been on a wedding on Saturday, it's difficult to find the right college when you have such a choice !

Barbara H. said...

Sounds like a great week! I'd love to be able to have a winter break! So glad Claire was able to make some progress on her college search and may have found the right one. I enjoyed that time with my kids as well. Your visits and get-togethers all sound like fun!

nikkipolani said...

I'm late to commenting, but it's so good to hear all about your family doings and what great connections you had during your visits during this winter break.