"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

23 September 2016

Mid-September Faves

I love Autumn and welcomed the first day yesterday with a smile....reflecting back on the week and finding FIVE of my FAVE moments/things/people.

Join in with us as we link up at Susanne's to share in God's blessings.

Hamilton County Waterfalls Challenge badge
  • CHALLENGE COMPLETED!  I finally received the Hamilton County Waterfalls Hiking Challenge patch!  I actually finished this challenge over the summer but hadn't sent in the paperwork.  I still need to sew it onto my backpack.  It's fun to work on the various hiking challenges in my beloved mountains. I'm thankful for God's creation.

  • SERMON SERIES:  Our senior pastor just started a new sermon series at church on Sunday entitled "Built to Last" centering around marriage!  Oh my goodness......it was a great sermon all about the foundation of marriage/relationships. He also included single people in his sermon so there is something for everyone.  We are blessed to have him preach and this is going to be a very welcome series as we can always improve our marriages and make them more spiritually fit.  I'm so thankful for my church and pastor.

  • NEW RECIPE:  I made this recipe this past week on one of our cooler evenings.  Oh my goodness. It was delish!! Of course my youngest, being a vegan, only ate the apples plus the side dishes. This is a keeper though.  The reason it makes my fave list is because here in New York State, one of our main crops are apples.  And right now, all the farms are ready with an abundance of them.  

Our front door compliments of Courtney

From our front stoop

New mums for the season

  • AUTUMN DECOR!  I love changing out the summer decor for the autumn stuff.  I don't have as much this year either...I have really minimized....the inside of the house is almost done so I didn't get photos of it because I am also in the beginning stages of re-painting and decorating the kitchen.  So it was kind of a shambles yesterday when I was taking photos.  But there is something about the autumn colors that I just love.....so wanted to share some of the decor with you. I'm thankful I live in the Northeast and get to see the 4 seasons come and go.

image courtesy of google images
  • CHURCH CLASS!  Since I am taking a break from being a small group leader this year, I decided to "get fed" and joined one of the Wednesday evening classes at church.  It's for women only and it's using the above pictured Bible study book.  WOW....I am already blown away by the depth of this study.  If you are unfamiliar with Priscilla Shirer, I highly recommend that you look her up.  This study is based on Ephesians 6:10-19 and I think it is very timely not just for us living in today's culture, but for my self personally and as a wife and mother. I'm very thankful for this class...and it's only for 7 weeks!  We will be done before the busyness of the holiday season!!
What brought a smile to your face this week?


Kathie said...

Congratulations on finishing your hiking challenge! I know you love to hike and adding a challenge makes it extra fun!

I'm saving that chicken recipe - it looks like one we'd enjoy!

I'm glad you mentioned liking Priscilla Shirer. Roger and I are hoping to go to the International Leaders conference sponsored by Alpha HTB in the UK and she's the main speaker. I'm looking forward to hearing her!

Hope you have a great week Faith!

Barbara H. said...

Congratulations on finishing the hiking challenge and getting your patch! We can almost never get too many sermons about improving our marriages. It's still not feeling like fall here, but I am hoping it will soon and plan to get my fall decor out soonish. That study sounds interesting!

Anonymous said...

I completed The Armor of God Bible study this summer, it is a powerful bible study and she is a dynamic speaker. We are hoping to do another one of her studies soon.

Ann said...

Sounds like a great sermon series. I like Priscilla Shirer also - and thought she was great in War Room.

ellen b said...

Sounds like a great fall start with good studies and series. I love the fall when it comes to great fresh starts in God's Word. We are hosting a small group again after a year off and we are looking forward to that. Good for you for earning that hiking badge! Hope you have a great weekend!

Willow said...

WOW! I'm so impressed with your challenge completed. I actually don't know of any challenges out here where I live--I should look into that. Congratulations to you!
I'd love that study you're doing on the Armour of God.
Have a great weekend!

Jerralea said...

Congrats on completing your challenge! You definitely deserve it.

The recipe looks yummy!

I always enjoy a teaching on the Armor of God. It's one of my favorite passages.

Glad you are enjoying your fall season.

Susanne said...

Yes, you're challenge was different than mine. LOL. Congrats on getting the badge. Funny we both posted about fall decor. I love the colors of fall so it's easy to decorate at this time of year. I have an honest question for your vegan girl... Is it still considered vegan to eat something that was cooked with meat? The apples would mingle with the meat juices wouldn't it?

Faith said...

Susanne, Yes she def had a prob with that but she tried the apples anyways and decided since they were so good she could deal :) lol