"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 December 2016

Thankful Faves

Friday.  The first one in December.  And a day to look back, share FIVE of our FAVE blessings from the past week.  I do this and then link up at Susanne's where you can find a list of bloggers sharing their blessings and giving thanks to God.

My five faves center around Thanksgiving and then some special moments from the week.

Claire and her Uncle Peter behind his house with Quetu, Claire's fave dog!
  • FAMILY!  I'm thankful that we had a lovely 4 day visit with Dave's side of the family for our traditional Thanksgiving holiday.  My oldest daughter couldn't get to MA until Thursday late morning due to working the night before and then she had to leave early Friday a.m. to get back (life in retail!) and 2 of our nieces had to work (one's in England and the other one is in the south).  Dave's oldest sister Karen couldn't make it from CA this year either.  There were only 14 of us around the table.  But it was a great time of food and fun.  Dave's brother Peter and his wife Kathy hosted. They live in the same town as Dave's parents.  Here are some fun photos from that day.
 Some of the Cousins! (4/7 of of the younger generation)
left to right:  Debi and Ronnie (Dave's sister Paula's kids)
and our two, Courtney and Claire

Claire (age 17) and her cousin Debi (age 15) hanging out at Uncle Pete and Aunt Kathy's
  • VACATION HIKE!  Dave's hometown features a very old bridge.  And for some reason, this year was the first I had heard of it!  I've known Dave for 29 years and we have been married for 26 and somehow this little nugget escaped me.  The bridge is known as Skim Milk Bridge and it is the oldest, still standing,original free standing (no concrete, etc) stone structure in the USA.  It was constructed around the mid-1700s most people believe. The hike in was more like a nice walk and only a half mile.  We extended our time with his brother and dog by walking another trail that connects making our outing a little less than 2 miles.  It was lovely and even my teenager agreed to go! I'm thankful it was a mild day and for the good time we had in the fresh air.

hiking selfie!

the Town River and Skim Milk Bridge

Dave on the bridge
a spot of color amidst t the browns

  • DECORATING!  I'm very thankful my oldest daughter volunteered to put the tree up again this year. We decided to put it in the family room  in front of the deck doors, rather than the living room. It's a lot of work but she loves it, is great at it, and has way more patience for this stuff than I do.  I did the rest of the house slowly throughout this past week but she had that tree up in less than an hour. There ARE perks to having your college grad still living at home. (she actually put most of the trees together in the art store where she works, too!)   Now...if she could just find a design job......
Courtney hard at work!

the finished product
(all us girls put the ornaments up)

  • PRAYER:  I'm thankful for the power of prayer.  I've had some situations to pray for, friends and family members to pray for.  I love seeing how God is answering each prayer and bringing peace while I wait for answers to some.  I can't imagine not talking to my Redeemer each and every day.

  • INTERVIEW!  I accepted an interview this week for a job in early childhood special education which is how I began my career.  The center was new to me, although it's been around for a number of years.  It's across the Hudson River but not a long drive at all and I loved taking the tour and then spending time in 2 out of the 3  classrooms.  After chatting with the director for quite some time, I discovered some things about the job that make me hesitant to take it, if it's offered to me (there are over 40 applicants!) but it was nice to be one of the ones chosen for an interview.  This is also something I am praying about.  I am going to "need" a job come September to help with college costs for this next daughter going off but I also do not want to "settle" for something that is geared to end in August.  Again, I can't imagine trying to make these decisions with out praying about them!
That wraps up my past week.

I hope you share at least one thing that blessed you....feel free to share in the comment section..I love hearing from you!

Have a blessed weekend!


Barbara H. said...

Glad you had such a great Thanksgiving with so many family members! It's nice to have help with the tree decorating. We've always done it as a family but it is sill exhausting.

Glad you had a good interview! I know what you mean about not being able to imagine making decisions without praying about them. I'm so thankful we can bring any concern, large or small, to Him.

Wendy said...

Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. I understand your doubts about the job but hopefully you'll come to the right decision.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

GLad you had nice family time!! And YAY and congrats about the job!!