"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

26 October 2018

End of October Faves

Well it's a bit hard to find 5  blessings from my week.....it was a crazy, busy one between work/lesson plans/prep and silly NYS required teacher workshops plus an unplanned dental appt, a snafu with our medical insurance/pharmacy, and small group prep/leading.  So I will have to really be intentional to find some faves.....but it is GOOD to give thanks unto the Lord and so here are 5 simple blessings that brought some "sunshine" into a rather "cloudy" week.

I'm linking this post up with other bloggers over at Susanne's space. You can find the guidelines and link-up here.

image courtesy of WAMC website

  • WORLD SERIES!  Our team made it to the World Series!!  I'm writing most of this post on Thursday evening before the 3rd game but yeah for Boston for getting to the series and for winning their first 2 games! This made for one happy hubby and our extended MA family.  And I do so love Mookie!! I can usually watch the start of the game but then chores and getting ready for bed intervene and I just can't stay up past 10:30 with a 5:30 wake up call.  But I'm thankful our team got to go!

Marker and lawn leading to the historic cemetery in our neighborhood

taken from my bike of the horse farm across the road from our neighborhood
  • OUTDOOR WORK-OUTS I managed to go on a fantastic bike ride Saturday afternoon...the weather was chilly but so nice! (2nd photo). I only had time for about 5 miles so stuck to our immediate neighborhood but the fresh air felt glorious.  Then two different afternoons after work, I hit the pavement for my power walk/run and snapped a couple photos.....I like the lighting in the first photo. This is .7 miles from my driveway in our little development on the north side.  I'm thankful I had some time outside during this crazy week.

  • SPECIAL EMAIL:  Our youngest gal, the one at UNH, emailed me her Christmas wish list and then she added a special "birthday plan" at the bottom of the message (her birthday is 12/21).  It was just precious. She basically doesn't want us to spend money on a gift but rather, to go to our fave Indian-Pakistani restaurant, and then come home to have my vegan brownies with vegan ice cream and watch a fave Christmas movie together.  It actually brought tears to my eyes to read her words.  I'm so thankful for this girl and her thoughts.

image courtesy of G*P website
  • SCARVES!  This week had some pretty cold mornings with bitter wind.  Thursday I wore this type of scarf to work with a grey sweater and it was so cozy on the drive and in the afternoon running errands. I'm thankful that as the days get colder, I can start using some of my nice, thick scarves.

image courtesy of Targ*t

  • TRAVEL MUG! This travel mug (I bought it last winter) keeps my morning coffee warm for up to 6 hours!  So after breakfast, I add in the leftover coffee from our brewer and sip at it while driving to work and having "snack" with my students.  I'm thankful for good-quality travel mugs!
Well, that wraps up my faves.

I am hoping our weekend isn't as rainy as the forecaster is predicting.......whatever the weather brings your way, I hope you have a restful, enjoyable weekend.


Karen said...

Yay for scarf weather and cute travel mugs! Your daughter's birthday idea is so sweet. She certainly knows what to value in life. I always enjoy seeing pictures of where you live, it's such a pretty part of the country.

Wendy said...

Sounds like a lovely way to spend your daughter's birthday. I hope your weekend is less hectic than your week whatever the weather.

Barbara H. said...

Sorry you had a rough week! Those are the times I think I appreciate FFF the most, because it makes us look for things to be thankful for. What a sweet thought from Claire. That scarf looks warm and comfy! Glad you got some good workout and fresh air.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love your scarf. I wear them all the time as they are easy to take off when I get warm and put back on when I cool off. I started a linky/posty/meme thingy for family Fridays. Friday fave five's is completely different. I like to post about my family and thought other's might like to join me in posting as well.

Faith said...

Thanks for explaining @spiritofsimplicity! I somehow didn't see your FFF!! Just your familymfriday one,

Susanne said...

Cute mug! Sorry you had a harder week, so glad you intentionally looked for blessings anyway. That is my hope in doing FFF, is that we develop the habit of looking for blessings even in the midst of trials or harder weeks. What a sweet thing for your daughter to tell you for her birthday. I have a few scarves I like to wear outdoors too. Glad you are enjoying the nice fall days outdoors. I know that is your happy place.