"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

21 April 2020

Like a River Flowing

For the last month or so I've been reading through the book of Jeremiah.  Slowly.  Savoring and learning.

So much of it describes what life is currently like with this pandemic.....at least that's the sense I get when I've read through the first 15 chapters.

But one verse really encouraged me yesterday during my morning quiet time before rushing to my laptop for yet another Zoom meeting. 

It's pictured above.

"Your words were found and I ate them...."

"...a joy and the rejoicing of my heart...."

I thought a bit about this Scripture and what it means to me.

And this led me to meditate on how the Holy Spirit comes to us like Living Water.....to refresh us, to sustain us. 

and out of our own souls will flow rivers of living water.......

....as Believers, we can tap into Jesus when we are feeling dry.

and not only that, but the way we thrive is by feasting on the Word of God.  This is where we learn our purpose, His plans, and how to live our life for Him and with Him.  We feast on His Word.  We chew on it. It helps us to abide with God.

And we can bring the Word up out of our hearts and minds  when we need to be reminded of God's Truth.  When we have hidden the Word in our hearts, it brings us joy which leads to peace.

Allow the Word of God to sustain us.  It's during these times of uncertainty that we need His Word to guide, comfort, bring peace, bring Truth of Who God is, and to remind us of His promises.

I need to abide in Him each and every day in order to make it through this life into the next.

When we are in the Word each day...partaking of it, meditating on it, out of our heart will be the overflow......that amazing, living water that sustains us.

Are we abiding in Him?  Are we eating His Word and drinking the Living Water?

Please do listen to one of my very favorite singers as she sings Abide With Me.

Like a river flowing is His Love giving us Eternal Hope and Life.

Peace to you!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith - I love this post. My scripture time each morning sustains me through the day. If I miss it, my day just isn't the same. Just this morning, I was feeling upset and anxiety was taking hold, and then I remembered that I just needed to take time out and read God's word. When I did so, my mind calmed and my anxiety was quelled. What a blessing. Thank you for this wonderful reminder of hearing God and letting Him work in our our lives through reading and studying His words.

Faith said...

I truly need His Word before my day begins as well. I was trying to figure out why I was so disgruntled once a few years ago first thing in the morning. I mean, I had my coffee, my husband and I had breakfast together, the girls were both fine (one in college one in high school at that time) and i had had a good night's sleep. It dawned on me that i had logged onto social media before even going into the Word and spending time with my Redeemer. I started making small changes and it has really benefited my time, day, mood, etc. Glad you got your time in!! ANd I'm thankful to know the post encouraged you.

Susanne said...

The word of God really is alive. It has brought strength, calm, peace, and joy during this time for me. I don't know what I would do without it. But it doesn't just open up itself. We need to make the choice to spend time with God, savoring His word and asking Him what He would be saying to us personally thru it.

Faith said...

That's for sure Susanne. I've been enjoying the posts you've put up on Facebook of the various Scriptures. I've been meditating on them!!