"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

03 November 2020

November Challenge

 I very rarely....very....rarely...do these kinds of blog challenges but I need to take my mind off the election and when I saw my dear blogging buddy Deb had completed one, I decided to jump in and do so as well.

It's the 20 Things about Me Challenge.  Hosted by this blog.

1. I am 60 years old (in this pic I am 59). 

2. I've been married for 30 years to my first and only husband Dave.

3. I am a mama to 2  amazing daughters:  one is 27 and working full time, and one is 21 and a senior in college.

4. I am left handed but do many things right handed.  I can even write with both hands although my best writing and printing is with my left.

5. I love coffee.

6.  I am a hiker and hike at least 2 times a week in the summer months and every month during the school year.  I have been hiking mountains since I was 18 years old.

7. I am a special education teacher for preschool children.

8. I was a piano major and voice minor in college earning a BS in Music Education.

9.  I was an Educational Psychology/Special Education major for grad school and obtained my MS and NYS permanent certification for birth-geriatric.

10.  I love the scent of fresh pine trees particularly balsalm.

11.  My husband and I have been on vacation with our daughters to Paris, France and also with our youngest daughter to Rome, Italy and Florence, Italy.  

12.  Every year since 1989, except for 1998, we have traveled to Plymouth County to do Thanksgiving with Dave's side of the family.  This year, Covid19 happened so we will be home.  It will be strange.

13. My favorite season is late-summer through the winter solstice.

14.  I was raised Free Methodist but I now attend and am a member of an inter-denominational Evangelical church.

15.  I volunteer as a hiking guide for friends who love to hike.

16. I volunteer as a small group ministry leader at my church.

17. My favorite color is blue.

18. I love the scent of woodsmoke from a bonfire.

19. I used to have a piano studio with 8 students when I was teaching special education full time and was still single. That was a long time ago!

20. I love books and love to read!

My quote for the Day 2 Challenge:

So that's a little bit about me.

Not sure I'll have the time to do all the daily challenges but I can try!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Faith - I am so glad you took this challenge. It was so fun to find out more about you. I had no idea you were a music major. I took piano lessons for many years and was pretty good. I have a piano but rarely play. I also taught piano lessons when I was in college. I am sitting here watching election results and boy, I am nervous and praying hard.

Susanne said...

Loved this! Took me back to the way blogging used to be when I first started. A real community that got to know each other thru fun stuff like this.