"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

28 September 2021

2021 Goals Update : Summer/Early Autumn


Well, we are in the last quarter of 2021 already!  HOW did this happen??

Last evening, after leading the book group I facilitate, I sat down with my journal to see how I've been doing with my 2021 Goals I set forth on January 1st.  I'm doing fairly well in some, and with some, I have had to change up the plan.  I still have the same goals, but the plan of getting it accomplished has had to change.  Here's a brief summary of how I'm doing:


  • Walk outdoors/power walk 6 days a week:  I am averaging 5 days a week!  There have been weeks this past summer where I walked outside every single day and there were also weeks where it was just 4 days.  On Average, I've been doing brisk power walks 5 days a week and hiking at least once a week for most of the year except the 2 weeks when I had some significant back pain and was told to ease off working out.  I feel good about this goal.

  • Lower my LDL from 104 to under 100:  I don't know if I have or not yet because i haven't had blood work done yet for 2021. That's on my to do list for November!

  • Stretch/yoga exercises every morning:  I'm currently at about 5 days a week except when I'm seeing my chiropractor actively and then for those 2-3 weeks it's been every morning.  I'm getting back into the routine of doing them every.single.morning.  There are two I actually do before getting into bed. I feel really good about this goal.  It's important to stretch our bodies as we age.

  • Bike 2x per week:  I did do some biking in the Spring but then July was so rainy and hot and humid here that I honestly have to say I didn't get on my bike at all.  Now that it is autumn, I do plan on riding my bike on the weekends when I am not hiking.  Also, we no longer have a car that can accomodate the bike rack so I'm limited as to where I can go. This is a goal I am still working on. 
LARGE GOALS IN THIS AREA:  Hike 6 new-to-me trails in the Adirondack Mountains.  I can honestly say I did this!!!  I have hiked the following trails this past year: Ora Phelps Nature Preserve, Barkersville Nature Trails (these two are technically in the foothills of the mountains); Rock Pond on the Cascade Pond trail; Tenant Creek Falls Upper Trail to Upper Falls; Penisula Trail in Newcomb off of Rich Lake trail. That's 5 new-to-me hikes!  I still have time to get in 1 more new to me hikes in the Adirondacks before the snow arrives.  

I also hiked a new-to-me trail in Vermont this past spring:  Rock Lake outside Manchester.  
Another Large Goal in the Physical Development area was to hike 2 mountains in the High Peaks region of the Adirondacks this summer.  That did not happen due to my back injury and the rainy month of July.  I am going to try to hike one this month, probably Columbus Day weekend. 

Cook 1 new recipe per month:  I have pretty much met this goal so far.  I have tried all different kinds of tofu recipes throughout the spring and summer.  I also tried a new to me vegan brownie recipe and vegan chocolate crinkle cookies. I tried a new Thai veggie recipe.  This goal is right on  target.  I love trying new recipes and am finding that one a month is very doable!


  • Read 4 Non-fiction books: I read more than 4 this year!!  Most unusual for me!!  I read: 
    1. Small Acts of Grace by Alice Gray
    2. Dusk, Night, Dawn by Anne LaMott
    3. NY ADKS (a history of the mountains that I began a couple of years ago and finally finished!)
    4. Traveling Mercies by Anne LaMott
    5. A Gentle Path of Healing by Debby Havas (began in September 2020 and finished in January)
    6. How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado (began in Sept 2020 and finished after the first of the new year)
    7. HomeWork by Julie Andrews (began during Christmas vacation 2020 and finished in January)
That's a lot of non-fiction for me!  I am currently reading 2 non-fiction books:  Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge (my small group book study) and Connections by Debby Havas which I started a few weeks ago and am taking notes on so am going slowly through it. 

  • Complete 2 online or in-person workshops related to Special Education but not required by the agency I teach for.  I have completed one (relating to fine motor issues in preschool children) and am starting another one this weekend (About the new CDC  guidelines on vaccinations in response to Covid) 
LARGE  GOALS IN THIS AREA: Become Nature-based Curriculum certified.  (Due to Covid and lack of in-person workshops/training in the NYS area, I am unable to complete this and the agency won't pay for me to travel to England to do the certification). 


  • Have intentional Date Nights with Dave once a month: we have been doing pretty well with this.  From January-April we had once a month Movie Nights or Game Nights here in our home; In the Spring we went out to eat two times and went for walks.  In June we went out to celebrate our Anniversary.  In July we had 2 in-home date nights with wine and a movie or fire in the fire pit.  In August we had several date nights and one hiking date with another couple.  This month we have not yet had a date night although Friday evening we are thinking of going out for drinks and an early dinner. We are doing pretty well with this goal.

  • Have intentional friend get togethers every couple of months:  this has become easier now that all of my friends are vaccinated!  We had one couples date and nights; I have had 4 lunch dates with different friends, 2 dinner dates with my best friends, an outing with my sister, and lunch dates with my spiritual mentor twice since April.  I have also had numerous hiking dates with various hiker friends.  This goal has been easy to meet!!

  • Spend part of each weekend in nature: this has definitely been met except in the month of July! Oh and in February I only went out for 1 weekend due to bitter cold. 
LARGE GOALS FOR THIS AREA: begin a fitness group again with clear expectations.  I have done this!  There are currently 6 women who are members of the fitness group.  Only 3 of them actually have committed to hiking or walking.  This is a good goal and I always have fun getting hikes planned and seeing who is going to join in!
Another one that is pretty big is praying more consistently with my husband (we haven't quite met this goal.  We both pray but just not together as often as I would like).  I also had a goal of working on home repairs and upgrades and this is JUST starting to happen this month.  We are currently working on repairing a portion of our deck/trellis/flower garden and Dave has been working on some electrical issues.  Our oldest daughter is helping me paint her old bedroom she has moved out of and will come over during Columbus Day weekend to paint now that she has done the spackling and taping. I am in the process of hiring someone to put in new carpeting all throughout the 3 bedrooms, closets, and upstairs hallway/stairs.  This probably won't actually get done until the week of my February break but we are starting the process. Covid has really slowed things down. 

  • Study in-depth, 4 minor prophets:  I have completed 3:  Joel, Hosea and Habakkuk. I even wrote some devotional type blog posts based on my research and reading.  I am currently studying Zephaniah and hope to be done before Christmas. 
  • Read and study Timothy (both epistles).  I have not yet done this although I've read portions of both books.
  • finish the first Book Group and begin another one.  This has already happened and I am on my THIRD book group with church ladies.  We meet every Monday evening here in my home and we are currently studying the book listed on my sidebar.
  • be bolder in my faith with unsaved family members  (we haven't really had a chance to do this yet as we haven't seen many non-believing family members.  We will have a chance to do so during Thanksgiving week)
  • Serve on 2 service projects with book group during 2021.  (due to Covid, we have been unable to do so although we might get a chance to help a local agency on the morning of October 9!!)
LARGE GOALS IN THIS AREA:  Pray more consistently for specific people/situations.  I am beginning to do better in this area.  I actually met  twice for prayer with my spiritual mentor (one of them) and we have prayed together for specific things; do an online Bible study with friends/family. I have met this goal.  I have done 9 different ones this year with my neighbor's church friends, and my cousin and a woman from my own church.  It's been wonderful to read one another's thoughts and share our experiences and learn from the studies.

I guess I'm not doing too badly on my 2021 goals!!  

How about you?  Where are you in your new year goals?  Did you set goals?

It's great to have goals because it shows me I can do things I didn't know I could and I even have the desire to learn more and different things.  Perhaps I'm getting ready to retire!! (hahahah).

1 comment:

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. Wow - such great goals and you are doing well with them! Good for you. You inspire me to look back at my 2021 goals, which I have not done for a while. I hope you have a good Wednesday. I am just happy that parent-teacher conferences are finished. I will email you a little later today. Have a good one!