I'm wrapping up my study on the major prophet Ezekiel. This summary is of Chapters 40-48.
Chapter 40 is summarized best by simply saying it's a description of the Temple. It is the 25th year of the Israelites exile which is the same as saying it's a half Jubilee....which signifies a time of hope). The number 25 is even used in the geometry of the building. The design portrays the idea of increased holiness and restricted access as your move towards the center of the Temple. For us today though we have direct access to God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son as explained in Hebrews 10:19-22.
Ezekiel 41 is more description and just like Moses' tabernacle and Solomon's temple, this one is divided into two rooms: the outer Sanctuary and the Most Holy Place. Ezekiel got to peek inside but....God isn't there yet. This would have been a huge deal for Ezekiel. The temple is simply the physical structure that represents holiness. NO one has seen God but Jesus made God known in all His Glory. (John 1:14-18)
Ezekiel 42: Ezekiel sees the priest's chambers and considers the function of the temple complex. The temple foreshadows Jesus Who is God's Temple in a Person.
For us today, Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit so that we're temples individually and a a church. We live with the Hope that one day there will be no need for a temple because God and the Lamb will dwell with us directly if we are in the Book of Life.
Ezekiel 43: Yahweh's return to the temple is the highlight of chapters 43-46. The glory of God fill the temple and the whole earth. Ezekiel's response is worship! God assures him that He (God) will live with His people forever but that His Presence requires changes of behavior from the people: they are to not worship dead kings, the kings cannot encroach into sacred space and they must give up their detestable practices. Ezekiel describes the temple to the people. He also describes God's provision for maintaining holiness. God desires fellowship with His people and His grace provides the way for them to return to Him. For us today this means we are accepted by God because of the blood of Jesus...and we have access to God through the Son while offering a sacrifice of praise.
Ezekiel 45: the focus in this chapter is on the holy district, the prince, and the offerings in the new temple. Yahweh's portion is the sacred district. The Zadokites have the land of residence. The Levites have the land for possession. The people get land for use during pilgrimages. The prince performs the role of a lay leader and represents the worshipping community. Regulations are given with emphasis on Purification. For us today: God is still concerned about holiness! We are temples of the Holy Spirit.
God is glorified by the way we live!
Ezekiel 46: This chapter revolves around the sacrifice rules, the land management and the temple kitchen. the people are to move north-south or south-north NOT east-west/west-east. Some Biblical scholars believe this is because God moved east to west so that section is known as "holy". The prince's land is an inheritance from God so must stay in his family/lineage. The people were to eat in the outer courts of Yahweh. For us today: God wants us to commune with Him. The example we have is The Lord's Supper (Communion).
As we "feed" on the "body" (bread) and "blood" (wine/grape juice) of Jesus, we celebrate together the New Covenant, atonement, and deliverance we have in Christ.
Ezekiel 47: Ezekiel sees a supernatural river in this chapter. It brings superabundant fertility to a very parched and thirsty land. The fruit trees will bear leaves that bring healing. The river brings healing and life to the Dead Sea. It's a blessing for the fishermen yet the salt content remains. Salt is used for seasoning and preserving. This also symbolizes covenant consumption.
This is a transformation of the land---from death to life. For us today this water represents the Living Water of the Holy Spirit.
When we believe in Jesus we receive the blessing of eternal life. The Holy Spirit transforms us.
Ezekiel 48 is the last chapter by this great prophet. We see a land where the people can finally rest. God dwells with them. The boundaries of the new Promised Land are outlined and this is the same land that God promised Moses!! There's also an inheritance of land for the alien or traveler. This means that people who acknowledge Yahweh as their God will have a place among His people.
This last chapter also talks about which tribe will get which land. Israel has been united in peace again! The unity is reinforced by each gate being named after each of the 12 tribes. It's a square shaped city but it isn't named Jerusalem. The name is "the Lord is there".
To summarize:
A people in exile look forward to their own piece of land. They had felt abandoned by God but they are now reassured that He will be right there with them. This prophecy is a word from God to inspire us with repentance, trust, and hope.
As born again Christians, we don't have a land inheritance.....our rest is in the salvation of Jesus Christ by faith. We will inherit the earth!
We can look forward to our final rest.....that heavenly city with 12 gates named after the 12 tribes but with the foundations of the walls named after the 12 Apostles!
That wraps up my study of a major prophet. I love all the parallels for us today. May we represent Him well and give Him glory!
I enjoyed reading this wrap up of the chapters. Learning about the temple is fascinating.
I really enjoyed your summaries on Ezekiel here! What book are on to next?
Hi Melanie!
I am now reading through Psalms (again...has been a LONG time reading every single one!)
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