I'm continuing to make my way through the book of Isaiah. I really am enjoying this study but it is slow going because it's a lot of information!
Here is a basic summary of Chapters 21-26.
CHAPTER 21: Isaiah is speaking about the coming judgement of Edom, Babylon, and Arabia. He knows God is just and sovereign. he was grieved when he warned Israel against trusting in their ally (Babylon) to rescue them. He described the destruction of false gods, spiritual darkness and the refugees' suffering. His grief was like physical pain; his mind was confused and his emotions perplexed. Isaiah had the burden of warning the nations of the coming judgement and at some time proclaimed his trust in the Lord Almighty.
For us today: People who aren't placing their faith in Christ live like the people in Isaiah's time. They don't believe in God or a day of accountability and they worship idols/false gods/things.
CHAPTER 22-23: Isaiah is warning Judah that there will come a day of judgement and their defenses would fail against an enemy. God's people will refuse to look to Him for help. The Judeans have been consistently disobedient. The assault should have led to repentance but the people refused and instead relied upon their self sufficiency. God called them to have sorrow for their sins but they chose to have complete disregard for God.
For us today this means: God is our source of security. Look to Him as Creator and Sustainer through every threat. Recognize that our ability to handle life has to come from God. Trust in His Power and submit to His authority.
CHAPTER 24: Isaiah warned there would be a future day of judgement beyond the Assyrian invasion. Isaiah saw the Tribulation, Christ's millennial reign and the judgement on evil at the Great White Throne. Those who receive God's mercy through faith in Jesus (the Messiah) will come through the judgement and acknowledge that God is supreme. This prophecy is regarding the end of the world as we know it. God will be worshipped. God is the authority over all the Earth and His plan will be fulfilled in His time. Everyone...every single person, dead or alive, will be held accountable to God.
For us today: a time is coming when God will intervene in world events. Jesus will then rule the world. Only the good and righteous will remain. (Followers of Christ). This is comforting to those of us who are born again and proclaim Jesus as our Savior and Lord!
CHAPTER 25-26: God will faithfully fulfill His plan for the world. He'll keep His promises. Isaiah wrote a song of praise in these chapters because God revealed the world history to him. God will remove the curse of sin and death after the final judgement. People during the millennium will still refuse to accept Christ. God promises to protect and care for all who trust in Him during these end-time events.
For us today: death is only a temporary condition because Jesus defeated death! This is true for all of us but we must accept Jesus as the true Son of God, believe He died and rose again and is coming back to earth, and confess our sins asking Him to cleanse us and become our Savior and Lord. At that time, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Gaining God's perspective on this brings us peace and hope.
I love all the good insight you are getting and sharing from your study. I just finished the Book of Joshua this morning. On to the Book of Judges! Have a great weekend.
I love your "for us today" sections. It so easy to forget that these old testament books have application to our lives today.
Great study!! I love the part about God being our security. I think I need to remember that more often.
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