photo used with permission Luke J Mosseau, journalist |
That was the word I sensed in my spirit back in early January of this past year when I was meditating on a Scripture and was pondering if I was going to have another "Word of the Year" like so many Christian bloggers have. I have a sister's a strong word and one that many people struggle with. "Hope in God" people say all the time but sometimes that's like singing songs to a wounded heart. Hope is hard when you're in the midst of a trial whether it's a physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, or financial issue.
This week I've been meditating on the Scripture below:
Some versions of this Scripture also include the phrase "pit and destruction" .
In my morning meditation time, I was thinking of how "the word" is Jesus. God and Jesus are the same...and in John we know that the Word was God and the Word was with God. The Word was made flesh (Jesus). Jesus heals us from all kinds of things and there is hope in that.
But sometimes the process is so hard, isn't it? Sometimes we don't get the "healing" we think we need or deserve. That can bring a sense of hopelessness. But when we cling to the promises of Scripture and spend time with our Redeemer, talking with Him, crying out to Him, our hopes can soar like the balloon in the photo is soaring. I look at the photo and it brings a sense of peace to me.....that beautiful countryside to the north of where I live in the lower Adirondack mountains.
Satan tries to destroy any hope we have in Christ.....and when we can remember that Satan is a liar, our hopes can be restored. I've had to be intentional this past year about putting my hope in God. I refuse to take strong medication for these cervicogenic headaches/neck pain. They're addicting and they're toxic to my body. I was a bit "down" after the neurology appointments because I discovered he's a pill pusher. Pills just mask symptoms. They're like a bandaid. They don't get to the root of the problem!!
I've placed all of my hope in Christ's healing and I'm also following the exercise regime my chiropractor has laid out for me. I thank God every day for the breath He gives me, for the health insurance we are blessed with, for a good holistic chiropractor, for my strength to endure. I couldn't do this life without placing all of my hope in Him. Some days are easier than others. Some days the attacks of Satan seem endless. Some days I have to call my spiritual prayer partners and pray with one of them. Some days I cry....but more and more often, I am seeing wholeness and less pain. I've placed all of my hope in Jesus. He DOES heal many ways.....He's teaching me to be completely dependent on Him for each and every day. That can be hard for a woman who grew up learning to be independent and with a teacher personality.
But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when I do place all of my hope in God, I become more peaceful. There's a sense of joy in my spirit when before there was a sorrow. I've had to face some losses (no more trail running, no more climbing super steep rock scrambles on mountains, no more hiking without first stretching).
The Scripture God showed me for 2023 is posted on my sidebar here and it reads:
Another version says "whose trust is in Him" The version I've used this year is "whose hope is in Him". They all mean the same thing!!
These Scriptures, along with many other ones that speak of healing or hope or peace or joy, have brought comfort to my heart and mind. They let me "fly high" on the days when I'm dealing with neck/back/head pain. But more than that, they do bring hope to my soul. God knows what He's doing with each and every one of us.
To fly high?? Place your trust in God....allow Him to show you the path you need to take. He brings healing.... and hope in the wait.
Image courtesy of Luke J Mosseau, journalist |
Even though our circumstances are not at all the same, this post really resonated with me! Thanks.
Susanne! I was actually thinking about you this morning!! I"m glad it resonated with you!!
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