"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 January 2025

Mid-January HodgePodge


That's two weeks in a row I've liked the Hodgepodge questions!  Linking up with this blog to participate. 

1.It's been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change." Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate. 

Inspiration.  I need some inspiration to write more this winter on my "word of the year". Succeeded with one devotional post. Was hoping to do one a week. That hasn't happened as I'm not focusing well due to so many volunteer commitments. So maybe Change: stop volunteering for everything hahha

2. Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself? 

I honestly think it can..and should be...both. Opportunities like my free fellowship to get a masters degree came my way but I did have to create an outstanding interview and video to earn it. Other opportunities have come my way as well but recently I created one: I started a Hiking group for anyone over age 21 at my church and it has blossomed from 8 people to 46!!!  with 4 pending! I created the group but God definitely did the rest. 

3. The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite? 

We love museums.  We started the girls out when they were just 8 years old. We wanted to expose them to good art, history, science, etc. One of our faves was when our youngest was 8 and our oldest was 12. We spent the entire day at the Carnegie Mellon Science Center in Pittsburgh. We were in the city to visit my aunt and we spent a week doing PA things for the girls' Spring Break 2006.  Another fave of my family is The Louvre. One day there was NOT enough but we were only in Paris for a week during Spring Break 2010 and the next day we wanted to get to the Musee d'Orsay (my fave). Both girls have been to The Met in NYC as have I.  I've been to the Guggenheim...not a fave of that genre but definitely loved the architecture of the building. We've also been to several maritime museums (Dave's fave) and History museums.  A local fave is this place that both of my daughters and I just love and go every winter or spring. I say "local" because it only takes 35 min to get there from our home here in NY to that part of MA.   My personal fave??   Probably this place.   in one of my fave areas of the north-central Adirondacks. We took the girls in 2013.  And of course we love our famous ADK one and Dave and I go often. 

4. It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day)...do you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy? 

I love the benefits of steel cut oats and buy this brand.  I eat it 4-5 times a week for breakfast. I put cinnamon, blueberries, pomegranate, walnuts, and sometimes raspberries on top. SO good. I bake with oats as well and typically make these cookies. 

5. What's something useful you learned in high school?

French and typing. I had 100% in the class as an extra course when I was a senior (I honestly only took it for fun) and because of studying piano since I was 6, I was super fast. Who knew we would all be typing away at a laptop one day 2 decades later? 


6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Stay Warm!!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. I agree with you - typing is one of the most important skills I learned in high school (even though I thoroughly hated my typing class). Hope your week is going well. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

So many great museums all over the world. I appreciate your answer to the second question. Typing has been the answer for several hodgepodgers. It really is a great skill. A hot drink on a cold day is lovely. Hope you have great days ahead, Faith!

Wendy said...

Typing seems to be a common skill we all think is important. Yes it's very easy to get carried away with volunteering when retired but it can become as time consuming as a full time job if you're not careful.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

For some reason my comments keep disappearing today. I did enjoy reading your answers and yes you probably need to stop volunteering.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, you probably shouldn't volunteer so much but that is nice of you to do that. That's great that you have had opportunities that have come to you.

Susanne said...

I took a few years of french in elementary and junior high but I never liked it and found it difficult. I really should have stuck with it seeing I live in Canada.