"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

16 June 2007


Since I have visited some blogs recently where the theme of thankfulness seems to be dominant, I thought I would list what I am currently thankful for this gorgeous, perfect early summer day. We love Saturdays in my house; we especially love them during the summer months as they seem more relaxed with no extracurricular activites that we "have" to do. It is a time to just enjoy each other, other family members who might get together with us for a BBQ, neighbors over for drinks on the deck, playdates, teens over to hang out with our teen, etc.
So, while waiting to make breakfast for my 8 year old and her buddy who was spending the nite, I decided to list what I am especially thankful for today.
  • the sun with a perfect blue sky
  • my 13 year old who only needed 1 reminder to get those thank you notes completed and mailed!
  • my husband for pitching in with lunch time chores
  • my husband for his awesome hugs when I am puttering around the kitchen
  • my friend who brought me a frozen mocha latte this a.m.....thanks, Lynn!
  • my church and the staff and leaders there
  • our group of elders who oversee the church
  • my women's group
  • the fact that all the yard work for the next week is completed!
  • that my 8th grader has no detention slips like so many kids!
  • for the mercy of God
  • for the grace of Jesus!
  • for being able to be a stay at home mom this year
  • for my husband's job
  • for my permanent certification so that when I am ready to return to the classroom I don't have to worry and take more courses!
  • my 8 year old daughter's hugs and kisses
  • my 13 year old's yearbook and the comments by the teachers
  • that my children still like to go biking with me!
  • for the beach house on the cape and the awesome memories
  • for my parents instilling a good work ethic in me
  • for my sister Hope and her husband Donny, and the fact that theykeep in touch with us and like to hike with us!
  • for the Adirondack Mountains....from the rolling hills of the western part to the high peaks to the north and the deep forest in the southern region.
  • for the fact that we only live 45 minutes from the Adirondacks
  • for Life::Redefined, our church's youth group
  • for the freedom to pray and worship our way
  • that my 8th grader actually is realizing that it is ok to stand up for your self and your beliefs!
That is it for now....I am thankful for so much more.....


Anonymous said...

Wow, you sure have a lot to be thankful for. Amazing, your friend, Camille

Faith said...

Hi Camille: I DO have alot to be thankful for. I am amazed at how many blessings God has bestowed on us. Even through the rougher times, we have been blessed with a sense of peace. thanks for visiting!