So, while waiting to make breakfast for my 8 year old and her buddy who was spending the nite, I decided to list what I am especially thankful for today.
- the sun with a perfect blue sky
- my 13 year old who only needed 1 reminder to get those thank you notes completed and mailed!
- my husband for pitching in with lunch time chores
- my husband for his awesome hugs when I am puttering around the kitchen
- my friend who brought me a frozen mocha latte this a.m.....thanks, Lynn!
- my church and the staff and leaders there
- our group of elders who oversee the church
- my women's group
- the fact that all the yard work for the next week is completed!
- that my 8th grader has no detention slips like so many kids!
- for the mercy of God
- for the grace of Jesus!
- for being able to be a stay at home mom this year
- for my husband's job
- for my permanent certification so that when I am ready to return to the classroom I don't have to worry and take more courses!
- my 8 year old daughter's hugs and kisses
- my 13 year old's yearbook and the comments by the teachers
- that my children still like to go biking with me!
- for the beach house on the cape and the awesome memories
- for my parents instilling a good work ethic in me
- for my sister Hope and her husband Donny, and the fact that theykeep in touch with us and like to hike with us!
- for the Adirondack Mountains....from the rolling hills of the western part to the high peaks to the north and the deep forest in the southern region.
- for the fact that we only live 45 minutes from the Adirondacks
- for Life::Redefined, our church's youth group
- for the freedom to pray and worship our way
- that my 8th grader actually is realizing that it is ok to stand up for your self and your beliefs!
Wow, you sure have a lot to be thankful for. Amazing, your friend, Camille
Hi Camille: I DO have alot to be thankful for. I am amazed at how many blessings God has bestowed on us. Even through the rougher times, we have been blessed with a sense of peace. thanks for visiting!
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