"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 November 2007

Friday's Feast (a little late)

What was your first “real” job?

My very first real job was as a babysitter at age 13. I babysat, every Friday or Saturday nite for our youth director. They were a couple who had 2 gorgeous children, a boy and girl, and I made very good money. I earned $2.00 an hour.(hey...this was 1973!). I usually made about $10.- $15. in one weekend with that one family.

Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity?

I would go to the Adirondack mountains, on a trail either in the deep woods or small mountain summit. I would bring my journal and do some creative writing or songs. I do my best work in nature.

Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when…

my children whine in public (doesn't happen very often any more but.....)

Main Course
What values did your parents instill in you?

work for what you need/want, tithe to your local church, always be honest, save a portion of your income, and give money to missions

Name 3 fads from your teenage years.

Earth shoes! ugly but wow.....we all had to have them!

The Dorothy Hamill haircut....yes, again...we just had to have this...it is what I had for my senior yearbook pic!

Granny dresses and peasant blouses.....told ya I was a teen in the 1970's!


Amy said...

I'm so glad you did a meme!!! I love doing these and reading others answers too. Just another way to get to know a person.

$2 was a bunch of money back then! And I loved the Hamill haircut and still do! I'm stuck in the 70's still. LOL!

Susannah said...

I can totally relate... I was a teen in the 70's too. I never did get a Dorothy Hamill haircut "wedge" haircut though, but I really wanted to. :~D

Have a blessed Thanksgiving! e-Mom