I finally finished this book!
Those of you who know me well, know I love to read...you also know that when it comes to most non-fiction books, I read slower....I tend to either read slower because they are often not as exciting....or...I read slower with non-fiction because I am also taking notes, or highlighting due to learning or wanting to use the material in my small group. This book was both. I found it a little boring in spots....or maybe it's because the topic is one I've heard all my life or have read about all my life....and also there were parts I was just savoring. I did quite a bit of high-lighting in this book, too and plan on using some of the material in my small group when appropriate.
I first heard of Sheila Walsh back in the late 1980s when she was singing. I think I even have one of her very first tapes....I always loved her accent :) as she is from Scotland.
The book centers around how God is with us......and His promises hold true even when our life situations might not seem like He is there...or if our faith is wavering.
The author brings in Biblical accounts of difficult times and how God keeps us secure during those hard times. She uses personal experience to explain about growing in our trust of God that will last us a lifetime.
She makes it very clear that God sees us beyond the failures we bring to our lives...beyond our bad or wrong choices, and beyond our doubts and fears. Lots of Scripture is used in this book.
I loved how Sheila included some of her own personal life story into this book. The Scriptures she used really resonated with me and I found my self highlighting many parts of the book to go back through and meditate on or take notes on to share with my small group of moms.
Here is one of my favorite things she said in the chapter called "Hope".
"God doesn't want us to pretend our faith or give lip service to His promises.".
That is profound to me. "God doesn't want us to pretend our faith". I plan on discussing this in the small group I lead and journaling about this very statement. She points out that God WANTS us to ask Him questions...and that it is ok.....we have the assurance that He will answer in due time...we can have confidence in the knowledge of heaven and in Christ.
We can have the assurance that God really is REAL during our times of crisis or trials.
Each chapter centers around a different topic such as Provision, Peace, Confidence (about learning to see God's plan in the pain), Love, Grace, Hope, Strength (when you feel life crashing down around you), More (knowing that there is something better...I LOVED this chapter!) and Home (about our future).
There are study notes in the back of the book which are great as you can also do this book for a Bible study/Small group discussion.
There are study notes in the back of the book which are great as you can also do this book for a Bible study/Small group discussion.
I loved this book and highly recommend it.
In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 14 and older.
This book does sound like a good one. I think I won this one on a sight but then it never materialized. I'll have to look for it in the store.
Well if you'd like my copy Susanne, I could mail it to you!! I do want to use it in my small group so I wouldn't be able to mail it until after summer, if you want it!!
I love Sheila Walsh!
I'm like you, with a non-fiction book I go slower because I want to take notes and highlight. (I find some of my best quotes this way!)
That is very kind of you, Faith! Would love to give Sheila Walsh another try. I used to love watching her on a tv program and really enjoyed her at a Women of Faith conference. Was a bit disappointed with one of her books, which I reviewed, but really want to try another of hers. Do you think this would be a good one for a study group? Does it have questions for each chapter?
Susanne, I sent you an email😄
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