"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 November 2014

Praise Post #24

I'm  joining Jerralea's Journey blog as we number gifts He's given us during the month of November.  Each day I'll be sharing five things that I am thankful for.  Doing that for 30 days will produce 150 things we are grateful for...and it's easy to find those gifts if we take a moment to look.  You are welcome to join in!  Just head over to Jeri's!

Today I am thankful for:

  1. Mild temps...it was a high of 67 today.  I'll take it!!
  2. Outdoor recess.  I think all children need more outdoor time.  I'm so thankful I work and live in a school district that believes in getting the students grades k-6 outside for 20 minutes a day.  Today we decided to bring the 8 special needs kindergartners to the playground at the end of the day (2-2:30)...oh what fun they had in the warm temps and the golden sunshine.  It had been raining all morning so it was a special treat to get outside at the end of the day (we usually go for 20 minutes before lunch)
  3. Umbrellas.  I was thankful for my umbrella this morning as it was POURING when I had to drive to the school and walk in.  It's just a simple thing but I'm thankful to whomever invented them!
  4. Bottled water.  I'm thankful for it even though we don't typically buy it any longer as we have camel baks. But over the weekend our town had a water main break so we had to  buy gallons of water and bottled water.  The boil water advisory was lifted this morning so now we can be thankful for that, too!
  5. Easy Dinners.  Mondays are the days where we have to have dinner on the table by 4:30 pm and I don't get home until 3:30 pm so I'm always looking for nutritious, quick dinner ideas.  Claire has to leave the house by 5:10 for 2 ballet classes and I'm the driver.  Tonight I had all the ingredients for a kale/greens salad and flaxseed bread.  Quick and simple.  Love it and am thankful for good produce!
What are you thankful for today?


Jerralea said...

What a good point - being thankful for umbrellas! I had to use mine Sunday as it was pouring rain all day and I have 4 stops to make.

I'm also thankful my umbrella is my favorite cheetah print. ;)

I'm also thankful for mild temps. We need to enjoy them while we can.

Monica said...

Sorry I haven't been by in a few days... remodeling :)
Great list! We too have had some mild temps this weekend! Rain, but warmer! :)