"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

28 April 2017


Is it really Friday already??

This has been a very busy week....back from spring break means back to work/school and the normal routine and wow....we hit the ground running Monday morning and haven't really slowed down yet.  But...the 4th quarter of school has just begun about 2 weeks ago and the final stretch for our youngest daughter is in sight.  Of course with that, come some pretty special blessings.

I'm here to share FIVE of the blessings from the week and I do this by linking up at Susanne's where you, too, can share in FIVE of your FAVE things.

  • SPRING FLOWERS!  Our spring flowers opened up earlier this week.  How beautiful they all are.  I just love spring flowers and am very thankful for God creating them. 

image courtesy of genius quotes
  • BIKE RIDE!  I finally got my bike tire fixed and off I went for a wonderful bike ride Saturday late afternoon.  It was just glorious......I didn't go far but the weather was just perfect for a quick spin before dinner.  I plan on doing a lot more of this once life slows down a little come summer. I"m thankful for a good bike and the good weather!

  • CONVERSATION:  Monday was our first day back after a week of spring break.  Our youngest daughter Claire, a senior, was having a somewhat rough day due to some peer pressure regarding the upcoming Prom.  Apparently her best friends made some plans for after prom that Claire was uncomfortable with.  Because of this, she wanted an alternative plan.  She and I got some iced drinks from $tarbucks after school and went to a little park where we chatted for about an hour.  Alot of stuff came out of this teen's mouth about friends, her walk with Christ, peer pressure, some gender identity issues a friend is facing, and thoughts about grades, expectations, etc.  I won't go into details to respect her privacy but let's just say I am so thankful this conversation took place.  I am very proud of the young woman she is becoming.

  • PROJECT COMPLETED!  I have saved many photos, both from us and from professional photographers, of Claire's ballet life.  She has taken classical ballet since age 4 and also did tap for 5 years, jazz for one, and lyrical ballet was added about 5 years ago.  She's been on pointe for 6 years and we have many photos, dance programs, etc.  So I decided for the last show, to present her with a scrapbook of all that I have saved.  I finally completed this project last week.  I will give it to her in June just before the final dance show. I'm so thankful I have this done and checked off the ever expanding "to do before high school graduation" list!
image courtesy of Claire

  • HONORS GRADUATE!  Yesterday we found out that Claire is one of the honors graduates representing her school's class of 2017.  This means she is in the top 5% of her graduating class.  There are about 465 kids graduating from her high school this June.  We are super proud of her and so thankful for all of her hard work and perseverance.

That wraps up my week.

I am very happy to report that I will finally get to go hiking tomorrow for the first time since about February!  I'm starting a new hiking challenge and tomorrow's goal is to knock off 2 of the mountains on the challenge.  Both are considered easy so it should be a fun day that entails a small amount of work!

Whatever your plans are for the weekend, I hope you find time to relax and re-charge.

Blessings to you!


Willow said...

Congrats to Claire on being recognized as an honors graduate! That's a great accomplishment. Also, I'm so happy to hear of your conversation with her. So good for your mama's heart I'm sure.
Hiking Challenge! I'll go read about it. I noticed one today on facebook for an area near me. I'm going to investigate it and see if I can do the trails in the challenge.
Oh, and hurray for the bike ride!

Paula said...

Congratulations to Claire on reaping the reward of all her hard work in high school. I know that you are proud of the amazing young women she has become.

Karen said...

Bike rides and flowers -- my favorite things, too. Your daughter sounds like a lovely young woman. You must be so proud of her! Congrats!

Barbara H. said...

Congratulations to Claire! I know the book of her ballet life will be a treasure. I love it when we can have open conversations with our teen/adult kids about their lives and God's truth and the issues they are facing. Glad you got a bike ride in and hope you have a great hike!