"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 November 2018

Early November Faves

Well, here we are into November! The holiday season is fast approaching, as well as getting the house ready for the winter months, soon to be upon us.  I always find that November flies by.

Let's pause and reflect back on the week to find five blessings.  Susanne calls them "Faves" and you can join in on the fun of being grateful by clicking here to find her guidelines and link.


  • SHOPPING STARTED:  Last Saturday, we had a solid day of rain so I did housework, got caught up on bills, organized my desk, and started some online (there were already some sales!)Christmas shopping.  Then Sunday, after church and dinner, I had to run to one of the local malls, so while there, I discovered a gift I had been looking for, to give to my sister Hope and her husband. And it was on sale!  Score!!  So....I guess you can say I'm thankful for good sales, good finds, and that my shopping for the holidays is under way.

  • PRAYER POWER:  praying for and with each other brings such peace. I had opportunity to do both this past week.  I prayed for a certain situation regarding our youngest daughter that will be shared in the future (can't yet because part of the prayer was that she'd come to a decision based on thought, wisdom and her own praying) and I needed prayer for something.  My husband holds me when I'm anxious about something and I so appreciate it. We both need to be more intentional in praying together more regularly and I'm purposing in my heart for that to happen.  I'm thankful to have a godly husband and friends I can pray for and with.
Look up to see God's Glory!

loved walking in the crunchy, crisp-scented leaves!

I like walking the roads in the local cemetery
  • WONDERFUL WALK:  I took an absolutely wonderful walk after work on Tuesday.  I was home by 3:20 pm, changed my shoes and coat, added a hat and scarf and got out in the fresh air and sunshine. Instead of doing my usual power walk, I just did a brisk walk leaving the neighborhood to go the mile down the road to a local cemetery.  Once there, I walked the roads in the cemetery (there was only one other person there) and snapped a few mid-autumn pictures. The reds, oranges,yellows, and golds.... love the colors!   I just loved my time outside.  The leaves are pretty much at peak now and it's actually late for us.....in fact, not all the leaves from our backyard maples have fallen yet.  Usually by Halloween it's time to rake.  I'm thankful I had the time before cooking dinner to get a good 2 mile walk in.  There's nothing like the fresh air on a crisp October afternoon.

image courtesy of Forbes website
  • SOX SCORE!  The Boston Red Sox, our family's beloved baseball team, won the World Series and yes Dave and I stayed up late Sunday night to watch it. It was fun.  I'm so thankful that in my daughters' life times, they've been able to see the Sox win the series 4 times.  In 2004, when they were just 5 and 11, we took them to the celebration parade in Boston.  We were there for two days. What fun it was along with about 3 million other fans. Haha...I'm thankful too that Dave's folks, who live in Plymouth County,  got to see another win. 

image courtesy of Targ*t

  • COZY COMFORTER:  our old quilt that was handmade by Dave's mom back in 2001, has finally been put to rest.  It was becoming very tattered and ripped in a few spots so we retired it.  I went out and bought this set (shown above) for our bed during the colder months, and we love it!  No blanket is needed yet with this comforter plus our flannel sheets,  as the nights haven't been super cold or down in the 20s yet. Once it gets to be very low temps, I will add our fleece blanket but we might not need it as this comforter is so warm! I love the pinch pleated look because it's so different and it was less than $80 for the comforter and 2 shams.  I'm thankful I found one in the color we wanted and that was affordable.

That wraps up my faves for the week.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend doing some thing that helps you smile and relax.

I'm planning on meeting 2 friends from my high school days for lunch somewhere at the half way point between our homes. One friend I've only seen once in 40 years (at the reunion last month) and the other friend is one of my hiking partners.  Should be fun!


Karen said...

New bedding is always so much fun. It makes the whole room feel new. I love your fall photos!

Barbara H. said...

I could buy for my mom all year, when she was alive, because I knew what she liked. All my guys are into techie/gadget/nerd stuff so I have to wait to find out what they want, making it hard to shop early. Good for you for getting a head start! And finding good sales, too! What beautiful scenery on your walk! Glad you found bedding that you both liked for a good price. It's hard when our kids have burdens that we can't do anything about but pray, yet it's good for them to take those things to the Lord. Praying that your prayer burdens and hers are resolved soon. Have fun at your lunch this weekend!

Wendy said...

Lovely bedding and great photos from your walk. I hope the situation with your daughter works out how you wish. I really need to start thinking about Christmas!

Susanne said...

Oh I love the color of that bedding! Great find for a great price. We started a bit of shopping too already. I think this year it will be quite simple as the kids want to keep it low key. One of them doesn't even want to do gifts but I just can't bring myself to that yet. I agree with the prayer power and am very thankful for that. Beautiful autumn pictures. Such a gorgeous time of year to be out and enjoying all that.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love your comforter. I've been on the lookout for a new one as well but I don't really need it. I was able to watch the parade go right by my work building! Very exciting!

Willow said...

Love the comforter! I finally put on our flannel sheets. (Are flannel sheets one of the wonders of the world? They make sleeping so much better and cozier.)
Love love love your walk! Being outside in the sunshine is so good for us!
I'm glad you are praying and seeing answers.